Chapter Five: Dinner with the Leaders

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By the time we leave the room, Jane is already waiting outside our door, the drones still buzzing at her sides.

"How did you know we were leaving now?" I ask her.

"I didn't."

"You were out here the whole time?" She nods. "Jane, you should have come in."

"I can't unless I am asked."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." I look at the drones. "Well, the room was a mess," I say, a little more loudly than I normally would. "Daniel is going to need someone in there to clean the carpet, dust everything, clean the bathroom, make the bed, and take care of... other stuff too." I smile.

"Yeah, I am just a disgusting mess," Daniel says, leaning closer to the drones. If he's playing along with this story, then it must be true about the drones recording conversations. "We are going to need Jane to be present in the room all night, and I really wouldn't feel comfortable without knowing that she would be taking care of the room personally."

A light in the center of the drone flashes green, and an automated voice follows: "Submit vocal confirmation of re-assignment."

He leans closer. "Daniel Crowley."

The light flashes green again. "Access granted. Caregiver 3-2, Jane Rosen, to be assigned to room 6, care of Daniel Crowley and Comforter Celia Rivera." My heart tenses at her name. "Correction submitted."

Daniel clears his throat, and continues in a voice that began as authoritative and has since devolved to comically macho. "Jane, you must get started right away. I expect it to be spotless by the time we come back."

Jane's deep brown eyes fill with tears. "Yes sir." She smiles, and passes us into the room.

"Oh, and Jane," Daniel calls after her. She turns around, her eyebrows raised. "I have some of my favorite foods stashed in the mini-fridge. I expect them to all still be there when we get back." He winks.

She smiles, finally closing the door. Daniel turns back to me and holds out his hand. "Shall we?" I grab his hand, and some of my heart strings relax as he squeezes his fingers around mine.

We descend the staircase, the drones following close behind, so I whisper, "What's with the whole job situation here? Why are the women so disrespected?"

He turns back to check the drone, who still buzzes a few feet from us. "That was Cooper's idea. I'll explain later."

We walk back through the hallway, past the salon. We walk past the white and navy room, and stop at the entrance into an expansive, golden ballroom, perfectly rectangular, with an open floor and stairs at the far right end that lead to a second floor balcony. Dozens of men in suits and women in gowns are gathered just outside the room, waiting in conversation-less clusters. A grandfather clock stands at the mouth of the room beside us, and I check the time: 5:45 pm.

"Are we early or late? I can't tell," I whisper.

"Through here. They are probably finishing up dinner."

He leads me into the room until, hidden in an alcove to the left, I see a long wooden table with 12 burgundy leather chairs around it. Just like in the Captain's dining room. Only this time, each chair is taken, and I wonder how much of this place will remind me of the Deathless.

At the sight of us, Gunther stands from his seat at one end of the table. His black hair is slicked back and catches the light in its reflection, and his thick lips are open in a silent "Ah." He holds a glass of white wine in his hand, and spills some on the blonde Comforter beside him as he opens his arms to us.

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