Chapter Twenty Four: Smoke and Blood

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Cooper asked that we all gather in the classroom. The grandfather clock struck nine as we entered through the ballroom, the chandelier above us providing most of the light. The desks where the girls usually sit have been removed so that now, there is only one long table: the big brother of the Captain's quarter table from the Immortal. Burgundy leather chairs, 24 of them, line the table. Old, snake-eyed strangers from around the globe, all men, congregate in the room once we are in position.

Daniel, O'Neil, cyborg Ian, Mitchell, and an empty chair meant for Gunther all sit at Cooper's side, while he stands at the head of the table. The Leader's girls—me, Nina, Celia, and Phoebe—and a group of Caregivers—the healthiest and strongest, which now includes Jane thanks to the pills Joe was able to make before his implant—are standing against the walls of the room. A show of support for our men and Leaders.

The Council sits down, and a stranger with an accent close to O'Neil's begins, "Where's your scientist?"

"Dr. Quail," Cooper groans, "has fallen on some difficult times. His brother is in a temporary coma, and—

"Irrelevant," another stranger says. "This is exactly the sort of incompetence we are here to ensure does not continue. Or have you forgotten, George, we are here to see to it that your vision is carried out? What would Roberts say if he knew you couldn't control your scientists?"

I feel Cooper's pincer around my neck watching his jaw clench, and I have to take a few breaths to calm my heart rate.

"For the final time, Council, I assure you we have everything under control. Dr. Quail's presence at this meeting is not necessary. His participation in our goal can be demonstrated without him. Captain, stand," Cooper orders.

Ian stands at the table, staring blankly ahead at the space between me and Nina.

"Lift your sleeve."

Ian's control pad glows blue-green in the chandelier light.

"He is but one example of what Dr. Quail's implants are capable of. Currently, all of our soldiers are implanted, and some of our scientists as well. By the end of the week, we will complete implants on our male workers, and by the end of the following week, all of our female workers and companions will have the implants, as well. They will be completely under our control, so that we can carry out the plans for repopulation and reconstruction without any control issues. I have not lost sight of the plan." Silence. A few strangers nod. "Sit, Captain," he finishes, and Ian obeys.

"And the Deathless rebels?" the first stranger asks. "What have you done about them? The bunker was never supposed to be destroyed until we had all of our investments out. Do you have any idea what those rebels cost us? The research alone cost millions. Half of the ark was destroyed. Not to mention all the resources that they burned in that explosion. The metals, the computers, the prototypes. Lost. How have they paid for their attack?"

What did Gunther tell them? That we blew up the bunker? That our attack was unplanned? How deep are his lies rooted?

"Allow me to show you," Cooper says, and he moves his finger over a remote beside him. The TV comes to life, and within seconds, an image clarifies: An aerial view of the camp. They have planes.

The image begins to play, and my whole world slows. The Beast rolls up to the dam, no patrol to stop it. My breath sputters from my lungs. The main gun spouts canon balls and black smoke, and holes of the outer wall crumble in clouds of dust. My heart bounces between ribs. Aren't there enough Deathless left to defend themselves? Where is my mom? Where is Declan?

The tank turns to point its gun across the lake, toward the clearing where the Deathless domiciles are. The main gun spouts more destruction, this time over our homes, our people, most of whom are probably still sleeping. A burning anger returns to my chest, and flashbacks from the practice Immersions flood through me. I re-watch my mom get shot, stabbed, and now, in real time, I watch her and Declan's domiciles burn in heaps of rubble. Black smoke covers the camp.

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