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And grunts.

She smelled blood once her sense came to, and heard grunts. Opening her eyes, she found herself in a dark room with just enough light for her to see the walls and outside the cell door. Blood covered the walls and her body. Now that she was awake she could feel the immense pain her body was suffering through, but she didn't mind it.

She dealt with worse.

The grunts she kept hearing were coming from outside her cell. There were other prisoners being tortured a few cells down. She noticed her cell was much bigger and cleaner than the others. At least she had that type of luxury.

"Well good morning, my little viper." Raphael stood inside her cell at the door, casting her a big smile. His arms were crossed on his chest and his legs were parted slightly apart. He held no weapons on his body so Blisse assumed he would be using his hands.

"What do you want, Raphael?" she grunted out. There was a constant ringing in her head and she needed peace and quiet in hopes of calming it down.

"I thought it was time for us to finally get alone." He took six steps toward her and bent down to her figure in the chair. "I've been waiting a long time for this."

"I'm assuming Ruvim doesn't know about this," she stated, needing him to confirm her suspicion.

"He doesn't, but once he finds out I'm sure he'll be thrilled but Ciro needs to be thrilled as well so I'm going to ask you a couple of questions."


He dragged a chair in front of her and sat down. He was still smiling as if he had finally captured his prize. As if he had something against her if she didn't cooperate with him.

He probably does.

"What's in Konstantin's files?"


"Could it bring down his family name, his reputation?"

"Don't care."

"Blisse." He screeched out. Two questions in and he was already starting to get upset. They haven't even gone that far deep yet.

She wasn't going to answer his questions but she had one of her own. "Why else do you want that file so bad, other than to bring down his reputation?"

He stood up quickly and threw his chair across the room. "He's the one responsible for the massacre!"

That sparked her attention. "What massacre?"

He took deep breaths and slightly shook his head. Whatever this massacre was that he witnessed surely brought up bad memories. "Do you really know your boyfriend all that well?"

He's not my boyfriend.

"A couple years ago, Ciro's father made a deal with Konstantin's grandfather to merge their companies together. No one knew his real name, but he was known as мастер ножей which is Russian for 'knife master'. Ciro's father found out that even if their companies and dealing were merged, мастер ножей will still be gaining over 80% of the profit, so he decided not to sign the contract. At the time your parents' mafia was number one but everyone knew that they didn't do alliances so he thought Ciro's father was the next best bet since he was easy to manipulate.

"мастер ножей contacted Ciro's father every month to convince him to sign the contract even going to the point to harass his family members, kidnap and traffick his gang members and try to destroy the mafia from the inside. Ciro's father had enough of it so he tried to destroy their company but they were prepared."

"The massacre?" Blisse whispered out.

"The massacre," Raphael confirmed. "He killed everyone that was a member of the Italian mafia. Stole supplies, money, and weapons. Ransacked every place that the mafia made trades and deals. He only spared Ciro and his family because he wanted them to see what would happen if they ever declined a Volkov's deal."

"What happened to мастер ножей?"

"Faron murdered him."


"Faron was on an assignment at the time and he happened to bump into мастер ножей when he was leaving Italy. Apparently, he found out about you and wanted to keep you all to yourself even though you were 14 during that time. Faron got upset and shot right in between the eyes. No one even knew of his death until a couple months later. Faron sure knows how to hide a body."

Blisse swallowed the lump in her throat and cast her eyes down. She knew Faron cared about her, but not enough to kill a guy because they wanted her. He probably wasn't even bothering to look for her at the moment judging by the times she left him in the dust ever since she and Konstantin got closer. She couldn't blame him.

She played with everyone's feelings so much that she was bound to get rejected by one or the other in the end. She just didn't know it would occur so rapidly.

"You had the perfect man right in front of you, Viper," Raphael said. "And you let him go because some Russian matched your sexual energy. Even I was shocked to learn that you left Faron. You're such a disappointment."

"Oh just kill me already."

He smirked and grabbed her hand to place it on his hard crotch. "Oh I will. Right after me and my men have fun with you. In fact, one of them wants their appointment now."

He left the cell. Only a few seconds passed when one of Ciro's men walked in with a knife in his hand and a smirk plastered on his face. His jeans hung loosely on his hips. His shirt was unbuttoned, showcasing his rock-hard abs. His fingers twirled the knife around and around his hand as he stalked closer.

He's probably into knife play.

The knife was her only weapon source so if she was going to escape she was going to have to cooperate with him.

He spoke no words as he untied her bonds. He picked her up and sat down on the chair, placing her in his lap. Blisse tried her best not to squirm in disgust as his large hands started to roam about her body, never touching her most intimate parts.

"We're going to have so much fun together," he whispered in her ear.

She smiled back at him and grabbed his hands. "I don't think so."

Her foot smashed his toes. Good thing her heels were sharp. He yelped in pain and dropped the knife on the floow.

"You're gonna pay for that you little bitch!"

She slashed his arms with the knife, drawing out blood. The sounds of pain was music to her ears. She struck his forehead, killing him in an instant, but she didn't wait around to see his body drop to the floor and ran out of the basement.

You're dead now, Raphael.

She found him sitting in the living room eating a sandwich with a couple of the mafia members. They were watching American football on the television. It was a normal scene as if he hadn't sent down one of the guards to rape her.

She grabbed a nearby gun on the table and shot two of the men in the eyes and shot the third man in the chest; right where his heart would be. Raphael simply stood up in the middle of the bloodbath and smiled at her.

"I figured you would get out quickly. Go ahead, Blisse, shoot me."

She dropped the gun on the floor, walked to him and tied him up and attached cuffs on his hands that she found on the table.

"You don't deserve an easy death."


why did you leave Faron, like wtf

900 reads and 100 votes!! thank you guys so much!!

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