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MY men have placed him in the interrogation room in one of my business buildings," Konstantin declared when he stepped into the large living room of the mansion. Blisse, Faron, and Irina sat together on one couch surrounding the laptop that was perched upon Blisse's lap. They have been researching all about the American billionaire. He didn't have much success with his company, most likely his father was running the important assets. He was a total womanizer being found with a new woman on his arm every day. He didn't seem like the type to murder someone, but there is more to a person beneath the surface.

"Thank you," Faron replied whilst standing up. "Let's go see if he has some answers," he told Blisse, extending his and out to her to help her up. He didn't miss the clench in Konstantin's jaw when he did that, making him satisfied.

"He better," Blisse responded. "I'm about ready to give up on this."

"Why is she still here?" Konstantin asked when he saw Irina standing next to them. "I never invited you here."

Irina rolled her eyes at him. "Well, Blisse invited me, and if she wants me out I'll gladly comply."

"Whatever. There's a car waiting for you guys up front." Konstantin walked over to Blisse, wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her closer to him. "I can send some of my men with you if you'd like."

Blisse glanced up at him, giving him a slight smile. "Thanks, but we got this."

As Faron and Irina talked by the car, getting ready to leave, Konstantin held on longer to Blisse, his arms still wrapped around her in a hug with his face buried in the crook of her shoulder. Blisse, with her arms around his neck, stroked his hair and sighed.

"Don't worry," she told him. "You'll be getting your special treat tonight."

He chuckled and covered her neck with soft, little bite marks. "I better be. Can't wait to take a bite of your delicious ass." He emphasized his point by grabbing her gigantic globes in his hands and squeezed them tightly.

"Don't push me or I'll take you right here, right now."

"Don't tempt me."

Blisse removed her arms from his neck and stepped back. Faron and Irina now sat in the waiting car, watching the couple closely, well mostly Faron was. As much as Konstantin had helped them since they came to Russia, he didn't trust the guy. He was too touchy for his liking. He didn't like that the billionaire was spending so much time with Blisse. He didn't have her full attention like he used too. Now, the only person she had eyes on was him. Him of all people.

"Wow, the jealousy is literally coming off of you in waves." He cast his eyes down to Irina, who sat in the back seat watching him with narrowed eyes. "Why don't you just tell her?"

"Tell her what?" he asked.

"Oh, please don't play that oblivious act on me," she complained. "You're better than that. It's so obvious that you have feelings for her."

He leaned back in his char and slumped in it. She was right; he did have feelings for Blisse. Not just feelings for her sexually, but deep romantic feelings for her. He wanted to claim her as his, just as she would claim him as hers. But he knew she wasn't interested in that. She felt like she wasn't worthy of being a wife, let alone, a mother.

"It won't change anything," he told Irina. "She doesn't want to settle with me. She has Konstantin. She barely pays any attention to me anymore."

Irina leaned forward between the front seats and started playing with the radio. "Ok, true, but she only wants him for his body. They're not actually dating, you know. Plus, you won't know if she wants you back if you won't ask."

"I hate that you're right about this."

"I know me too. I don't like it."

As Blisse started walking towards the car, Irina finally settled on a song and leaned up to whisper in his ear. "Just promise me, you'll tell her eventually."

"I promise."


"So, you must the famous Neves I've heard so much about," were the first words that tumbled out of Eljah Miller's mouth when the trio stepped in. He was tied to a chair in front of a large table, his hands entrapped by the handcuffs that were attached to the middle of the table. He didn't look like a billionaire. He wore a red, loose shirt with black ripped jeans. Multiple strands of his hair stood out in all directions. He wore no expensive jewelry on his entire body. He looked normal.

"I have some questions for you," Blisse declared, sitting down in the chair across from him at the other end of the table. Faron and Irina sat down on the chair by the door. Faron sat with his arms crossed watching Elijah with narrowed eyes, while Irina played a game on her phone, too busy to care about what was going on at the moment.

"I figured," Elijah responded. "And whatever it is, I had no business in it whatsoever."

Blisse took out a cigarette and a lighter from her pocket. She lit the cigarette and took a long drag, eventually puffing out the air towards the American. "Where were you on January 6, 2018?" she finally asked.

Elijah avoided the cloud of smoke that floated his way as he answered. "At a friends house, I think. I don't know, I was blackout drunk that day."

"Where were you the night before?" Another cloud of smoke escaped her lips, along with another one, each making their way towards Elijah.

Elijah started coughing from all the smoke entering his personal bubble. "At a girl's house, I think. Can you stop smoking, I have asthma."

"Your records don't show that."

"Well, whatever. Can you just stop? I'm not trying to smell like smoke, especially since I have a dinner date later tonight."

Faron pointed his gun at the American's head, ready to shoot him when Blisse put her hand up, stopping him from doing so. "Don't bother," she said. "He's not important anymore."

"Not important? I'll have you know that my-" he suddenly stopped talking when Irina pressed down on the pressure point on his neck, knocking him out cold.

"What?" Irina questioned when the Brazilians looked at her. "He made me lose the game."

Faron shoved his hands into his pockets and followed Blisse out of the room with Irina trailing behind them. "How do you know he didn't kill your parents?"

"I can tell he was telling the truth," she answered. "And he's right-handed. Whoever killed my parents used their left hand."

"Right-handed?" Faron repeated. Irina stopped behind them when they reached outside, her finger lightly touching her bottom lip as she stated at the ground.

"What's wrong?" Faron asked.

"I-" she trailed off. Then she looked at Blisse directly into her eyes and grabbed her hands, pulling her into the back seats of the car. Her hands slightly shook as she took a deep breath. "I think I know who killed your parents."

"Who?" Faron and Blisse urgently asked.

"Konstantin Volkov."


i bet you didn't see that coming.

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