Chapter 2

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The plane lands a few hours later and we drive in our SUV's to the warehouse Cooper's team set up in. On the way, I explain to Elle how I know Cooper from my early years with the FBI. It was after everything happened in college-I met him once in passing then, but never properly-and during my time at the Academy. He was a hard instructor, but a great mentor and a good friend.

I keep my hand on Elle's thigh as I drive, her fingers tracing circles on my skin. Reid and JJ in the backseat pretend not to notice. Normally at work, especially working a case, I keep my hands to myself. Or at least try to. But after this morning, and the dream last night, I need her. I need to feel her. To remind myself that she's here and she loves me the way you're supposed to love someone.

We park outside the entrance and I follow the team inside. "Do you know any of the others?" Elle asks me.

"Nope. We'll see how this goes," I sigh. I love my team. I do not love outsiders. Don't get me wrong, I'm open to making new friends. But trusting someone to keep me safe in the field is a whole other issue.

Hotch and Cooper greet each other like old friends. When they part, Coop peers past and sees me. His face lights up with a smile.

"D!" he calls as he wraps me up in a hug. I smile and return the embrace, my hand patting his back.

"Hey Coop. It's good to see you."

He pulls away, keeping his hands on my shoulders. "You look great. Hotch isn't working you too hard? Guy could smile every once and a while, wouldn't kill him," Coop says loud enough for Hotch to hear.

I shrug. "Can't complain. Vacation hours are shitty, though."

He laughs, a loud, booming sound that bounces off the walls. "Serial killers keepin' us on our toes."

"All day and night, man."

He lets me go and makes introductions. "Mick Rawson, motorcycle rider, Gina LaSalle, tech expert, and Jonathan Sims. We call 'im Prophet. Our resident genius."

I gesture to Reid. "We've got a robot too."

Reid gives his tight lipped smile and Hotch introduces each of us as we all shake hands. Rawson gives me a crooked grin. His hair is unkempt as if he's going for a rough-looking vibe with his leather jacket and grey jeans.

"So, you're D'angelo," he says with a heavy-but-trying-to-be-smooth British accent.

I raise an eyebrow. "You've heard of me?"

"Everyone's heard of you, love. Washington Victors, right? Fisher King? All-around FBI superstar."

I smirk. "I'm not sure about that." He just shakes my hand and gives me another sideways smile.

I'm talking with Cooper and Hotch when he introduces himself (again) to Elle. She gives him a polite smile that he reads too much into. He's standing too close for my liking, his eyes passing over her body and his teeth biting down on his bottom lip.

"Elle Greenaway," she says.

"Yeah, I've heard of you too." His voice has a strange tone to it. One I don't like.

Elle drops his hand and takes a step back. "Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure's all mine, love," he goes on.

Hotch must see the scowl on my face because he raises an eyebrow. "D'angelo? You good?"

I turn to Coop. "Keep your man in check." Without waiting for an answer, I walk over to Elle and take her elbow. "Hey, we're gonna start comparing files."

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