The Dragon King- Todokiridekubaku Part 3

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So here is the update, sorry if it sucks. I rushed because I wanted to make an update for you guys but also can't let my parents catch me on here lmao 😂. Anyways enjoy...hopefully.

No one's POV

Izuku and Katsuki were talking about random things and always seemed to laugh every five seconds making the other laugh harder till it became an non finishing cycle of laughter. While the two were laughing like hyenas, there was two dragons looking from a far; one more annoyed than the other.

"Why is Izuku talking to that useless human? He's acting as if he knew the boy already." Shoto said as he growled and stared down the boy that was talking to one of his boyfriends.

"Oh cheer up Shoto, the boy doesn't even look like he could hurt a fly. There's no reason to be overprotective and mad that he'll hurt us" The red dragon said nudging Shoto's shoulder.

"How can you be so sure Eijiro, what if it's all a trick?" Shoto said softening his gaze as he looked at Eijiro.

"It's not, you know how Izuku normally is. He'd never talk naturally to anyone unless he trusted them with his life." Eijiro said
facing his head towards Izuku's direction to make Shoto follow his gaze to look back at his other lover.

Shoto looked at the green dragon that had recently changed into a human form. Looking at the green boy talk to the new boy who goes by the name Katsuki. Shoto was now looking at Katsuki and how he had a genuine smile on his face as he talked to his lover. 'Maybe Eijiro is right, he is only a boy and he seems to actually like Izuku.'

As Shoto was in deep thoughts, Eijiro was looking at the two boys that were still having a conversation and managing to laugh in between each sentence. Soon their laughs became contagious and he had a big dorky smile on his face as well. He soon got up from where he was sitting and walked over to the two. He then shrunk and turned into his human self.

"Could I join the conversation?" Eijiro asked looking at the two with hope in his eyes.

"Of course love, me and Kaachan were just talking about how much we like flowers." Izuku said smiling

"Are you two in a relationship?" Katsuki said pointing to the both of them, giving them a look of confusion.

The two boys nodded and held hands. Katsuki then clapped his hands and complimented the two boys and their relationship.

Soon the three boys were all talking together talking about their fears well Katsuki's fears, the two boys just continued to laugh as Katsuki listed the many things he disliked. The boys would sometimes say "boo" in the middle of the conversation just to frighten Katsuki which lead to them being slapped on the arm.

Many of the dragons that were resting in the cave just watched the three talk and soon began to turn into their human forms just so that they could greet the new guest and talk to him as well.

Shoto was still watching from a far but this time not as mad as before, now he was just watching the blonde boy talk to his lovers and a bunch of friends and other dragons. He was quite surprised at how calm Katsuki was. An hour ago he looked straight into Shoto's eyes and showed fear and a need to run away, but now he was smiling and his overflowing fear had been washed away by happiness and warmth. Shoto had felt something in his stomach that made him feel weird, something that humans would call 'butterflies' and now Shoto had to figure out why he would always have this weird tingly sensation whenever he looked at the blonde boy.

Katsuki was laughing at Izuku because he had slipped on some mud as they were walking and now he was covered in mud, Katsuki was holding onto his stomach laughing hysterically as Izuku was screaming at him to stop laughing and telling him that it's not funny, but because of Izuku's madness he just looked like an angry puppy which only made Katsuki laugh harder.
Katsuki soon stopped laughing and Eijiro began to rant about something that had happened today but Katsuki couldn't seem to focus because of a feeling as if he was being watched so he turned his head around to look in the direction of where he felt like he was being watched from, and he saw Shoto staring at him. Quickly Shoto looked away and walked off from where he was, 'weird' Katsuki thought while wondering why Shoto would be staring at him.

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