Chapter 2: Why Can't I?

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"Is something wrong?" Jacob looked at me worried.

I knew my expression changed, I could feel it. Here he was, this cute, funny, kind man and I was warned away from him...and to make matters worse I still didn't know the reason.

"No, sorry, nothings wrong I just...I just realized how many name tags I still have left. I should start finding the people they belong to. It was really nice meeting you though" I gave him a small smile.

"It was nice meeting you too" he smiled widely at me.

That fucking smile.

"I'll see you around" I barely was able to get out, his smile made me weaker than I thought.

"I sure hope so. Maybe save me a dance at the wedding?" He smiled again.

Not if Brooke had anything to say about it.

"Definitely" I gave him a small smile before walking away.

I found the rest of the owners of the name tags pretty quickly and grabbed another drink before finding Brooke.

"It is done, everyone has a name tag beautiful bride" I smiled handing her back the extras.

"Thanks hun, you're the best" she hugged me quickly.

"Anytime" I hugged her back.

"So" I started as I played with my drink. I finally decided I wasn't going to stay away from Jacob unless there was a good reason."what was the reason I should stay away from Jacob? He seemed nice"

"He is nice, he just...wouldn't be good for you" she looked at me seriously.

"Why not?" I asked confused. Jacob seemed like a perfect gentleman.

"I just, I don't see that going well. You know, you guys meshing and lasting and it wouldn't be good for you. I just don't want you to get hurt" she rubbed my arm with a sympathetic look.

"What if it's the complete opposite?" I giggled.

"Of course interacting with him in general is fine but getting involved with him is a whole different story. Y/N, there's only one way that ends. Badly. Trust me" her gaze became less sympathetic and more warning.

"Ok, noted. Jacob equals heartbreak" I smiled smally.

"I just love you too much to see you get hurt" She gave a warm smile.

"I love you too Brooke" I gave her a one armed hug before turning to mingle back with the crowd.

As much as I knew she was trying to protect me, and I loved her for it, a part of me couldn't shake the idea that it was complete bullshit.

How would I even know that things could end badly? If I couldn't even know that, how would she? No one ever knew how a relationship would turn out and to completely write someone off before I even got to fully know them wouldn't be fair, especially someone I already had what felt like a connection with.

To follow my gut or to follow my warning? What was the worst that could happen?

"Hey" I smiled approaching Jacob and laying a drink on the table in front of where he stood.

"We meet again so soon" he smiled at me.

"Go ahead, take a sip. Tell me if the bartender got it right" I grinned sliding the drink more towards him.

"Nailed it" he chuckled with a smile.

"I knew it" I giggled softly. "I just told him to give me whatever the devastatingly handsome, extremely tall and well dressed man was drinking"

"Devastatingly handsome, huh?" He gave me a small smirk.

If only he knew how devastating him being handsome actually was to me.

"You bet" I breathed a laugh.

"To the most gorgeous girl in the room tonight" he lifted up his drink, the smile still prominent on his face.

"To Brooke" I smiled holding up my glass.

"Not to Brooke, to you." He said seriously with a laugh.

"The bride is always the most beautiful girl in the room" I explained with a look that told him I knew I didn't agree with him.

"You can't convince me otherwise" the corners of his lips tugged up in a slight smile.

"How about we just drink to the sweetest, most adorable man in the room tonight instead?" I giggled softly as Jacob turned around to look around the room.

"Which one is he?" He looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"He's sitting right in front of me" I smiled widely at him.

"I guess we can both drink to different things than" he chuckled holding out his drink once again.

"To different things" I giggled tapping his glass with mine before we both took a drink. "So are you coming to breakfast?" I asked him curiously setting down my drink.

"I had planned on it, I'm free all day tomorrow which doesn't happen often" he shrugged slightly. "Are you?"

"Definitely, the place they picked for breakfast is really, really good" I smiled over at him.

"I've never heard of it, but I'll take your word for it" the smile grew on his face again as he played with his glass.

I couldn't stop watching his fingers run along the top of the glass. The man had amazing hands, it was like they had me in a trance and I couldn't look away.

"I think you'll love it" I finally tore my eyes away long enough to look him in the eyes. I saw the smirk that played on his face and I shook my head at myself. "I'm sorry" I breathed a laugh, almost embarrassed.

"Don't be, I think it's cute" he gently placed one of his large hands over mine, letting me move my hand to a more comfortable position.

Too quickly for my liking, I realized that I shouldn't be doing what I was least not somewhere where Brooke could see I was blatantly disregarding everything she had just said to me.

"I'm sorry" I said before reluctantly pulling my hand away.

"No, don't worry that was my fault. I-" he started before I cut him off.

"No, no it's not what you think at all. I just, I shouldn't be doing that here" I explained almost sadly.

"What? What's wrong?" He looked concerned. God, was he the cutest.

"I just...promised someone I wouldn't get close to you" I finally said not making eye contact.

"Me? Someone told you not to get close to me? Why?" He asked confused.

"It's a long story. But I just don't want to start any drama or anything" I breathed deeply watching the deflated look on his face. "Which is why she can never find out" I slightly smiled as his head popped back up to look at me with a giant smile.

Yep, his smile still made me weak.

Was it a bad idea? Probably. Was it going to end badly? Maybe. But was it all going to be worth it to at least give it a shot? Hopefully.

I Will - Jacob Markstrom [Calgary Flames]Where stories live. Discover now