Chapter 19

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Marinette POV

I let my eyes wonder around the room. I had just woken up and it was oddly quiet. Like a I'm waiting-for-the-bomb-to-explode-kinda quiet. The quiet that leaves you in suspense and then raging through your house tearing up everything because you were left on a cliffhanger. 

I perched myself up on my elbows and winced. My stomach was bandaged and I had my leg in a cast. I growled and looked to the side. Their was a pair of crutches leaning on the wall to the right on my cot. I moved my legs carefully until they are hanging off the side of the cot. 

I let my good leg touch the ground first then my other leg. I carefully walk(limp) over to the crutches. I grab them and position them under my arms. I use them to get my over to the exit of the bat cave and go back to the actual Manor part of my crazy home. 

As I go through the Manor, it is eerily quiet. It was very unsettling. I was used to hear bangs and thumps and the clangs of weapons. And yelling and fighting. It was weird at first but then you find it endearing. Knowing, someone was still with you. Now, it felt empty and abandoned. 

I continued around the house stopping at everybody's room trying to find them. They seemed to have disappeared. The only time they were this quiet is when they were playing a game and they weren't right now. I knew that much. I closed my eyes and strained my hearing. 

I traveled around the Manor using my hearing alone listening for anything that could indicate they were here. I heard the sound of somebody typing. It seemed to be in the area of the living room. I opened my eyes and slowly made my way to the living room using the crutches. 

I press my ear up against the door and hear the click clack of the typing. I smile and lean on my crutch where my good leg is and use the other one to open the door. I silently poke my head in then squeeze the rest of my body through the cracks. 

My entire family(and friends) was in the room. Tim was typing furiously on his computer, Damian was sketching, Jason was reading Shakespear, Dick lying still on the couch, Dad was on his phone, Mom was cleaning her knives and guns, Chloe was sitting in between Luka's legs, painting her nails, Kagami was lying next to Juleka with her head on her shoulder, Nathaniel and Marc were cuddling on a couch and Jon in a chair with his eyes closed. I smile and gently shut the door. 

Jon's head shoots up and his eyes instantly land on me. He stares at me, almost like he couldn't believe it then 1 second later I feel his wrap his arm around me. I threaded my fingers through his hair and closed my eyes, feeling safe. 

He pulled away and placed his hands firmly on my shoulders and looked into my eyes, his swimming with tears. "Don't ever do that again. You scared me." I rubbed thumb underneath his eyes and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "I promise." 

I manage a small smile and he lets go of my shoulders. He moves to the side and I am immediately the victim to many stares. Then my ears were assaulted with shouting, shrieks, and squeals. The only ones who didn't do that was Dad, Mom, and Damian. 

And then I am tackled with hugs and more weight than my body can handle for an excessive amount of time. I groan and weakly push Jason who was directly on top of me. He pushes himself up causing everybody else to get off. I hold my arms up and look at Jason. 

He grabs my arms and pulls my up like a feather. Jon holds out my crutches and I take them. I balance myself and look at the other 3 people. "I don't get a hug? Rude." I pout and Damian cracks a smile. He wraps his arms around me and I smile. 

When he pulls away, I look at Mom and Dad expectantly and hold out my arms. They both give me a hug and I smile happy now that I received all my hugs. "Now, what have I missed?" I plop myself on the couch and they all start explaining everything. 

When they get to the part about Lila and the class trip a pool of dread settles in my stomach. I really didn't want them to ruin everything again for me. I take a deep breath and look at Damian, who had a mischevious glint in his eyes. 

"We are going to destroy them when they come." "The most painful and humiliating way possible." All my siblings heads come up and they all look at each other. Then at me, with smirks on their faces. I immediately know what they are thinking. I smiles and a plan formulates in my mind. 

My friends look confused at me and I look at them. "What event was the class invited to by the Waynes?" They all look at each other and they smile. "We'll use her lies and see how many become cannonballs aimed at her kingdom. By the time were done, she'll be destroyed." 

I hear my Dad mumble, something about a normal family but I brush it off. I had to prepare for a liar to come and try to destroy me. But this time I had people who would actually help me. Not just stare as I was attacked. She's going to try to steal my friends. 

But that not going to happen. 

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