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Talia kept taking deep breaths as she pushed out her baby. She relaxed the moment she saw the baby in the nurse holding her baby. They were at the infirmary in the League. They handed her the baby and she barely held back a gasp. She was holding the most beautiful baby girl ever. 

She had jet black hair, mesmerizing eyes and pale skin. She was tiny but Talia could tell she was a fighter. She felt another sharp pain and she let out a soft groan. The doctor looked panicked for a second then quickly knew what was going on. "You're having twins! The second one is going to come soon." She quickly grabbed the baby from Talia and Talia started pushing again. 

This time it was a boy. He looked much different than his sister. He was larger then her and he had tan skin. He had mesmerizing eyes like her and jet black hair. She named him Damian and her Marinette. Her father came in and looked at Damian approvingly but, looked disappointed in Marinette. 

He scowled. "It is a girl. She will never be a good assassin. Give her away or kill her." Talia immediately protected her newborn daughter. "NEVER! She will be a good assassin. If not, then I will find someone to adopt her. She is my daughter. She is a fighter." She glared at her father and he narrowed his eyes at her but nodded. "Fine. I will trust you on your judgement, Talia. She must prove herself." He left the room without another word. 

Talia was going to make sure her daughter proved herself. She was going to be the best assassin ever. 


And Talia made good on her word. 

Marinette was trained harder then her twin brother but, never bothered. In fact, she always tried to push herself to the limits. There were times that she and Damian played pranks and would sneak away from the league and go play outside in the caves, streams, and they would always come back with something to show their mother.

They were called the Demon twins for how deadly they were when you made them mad and for the pranks they played. Talia didn't do much about as she did do some of the things they did when she was their age. She had a special affection for her children and only showed them when they were alone. 

She was always proud of them and always enjoyed seeing what treasures they brought home from their adventures. She didn't care what her father thought about it. She enjoyed seeing Marinette show Damian some of her moves and him always looking up to her. He always prided himself in his sister abilities. When, they were 4 they made good luck charms for each other and they carried them everywhere and took them on trips. 

Ra was much harder on Marinette and never bothered with her. He was aware that she was a good assassin but, was infuriated when, he found out just how good of an assassin she was. He always gave her the harder missions in hopes she would die but to his dismay she always completed them with success. The only time she was close to death was when, he gave her an extremely hard mission which she was barely able to complete. But was successful. 

He remembers Talia's horrified face when she heard that her daughter was found unconscious at the entrance of the league, and was bleeding profusely. She had her rushed to the infirmary and Damian was undeniably worried for his sister. He always checked on her when he could and slept next to her bed until she woke up. When, she got better she trained harder and got to be a better fighter.

It was very irritating to him. When, she got better she trained harder and life continued normally. Damian and Marinette shared a room with a bunk bed. Their chamber was very fancy and they were treated like royalty. Another difference between the twins was that Marinette never looked as others beneath her while Damian did. Marinette found it irritating and Damian made sure to be polite while in the presence of others while she was with him. 

When, they were 9, Ra announced that Marinette was to fight Lady Shiva as a test to her skill. Talia was suspicious about it but let it slide although there was something in her mind that was bugging her. On the day of the fight, Ra sat in his chair with Talia in his right and Damian on his left. They were in a balcony above the fight so, they could see if someone cheated or something. 

Marinette entered and Lady Shiva did as well. They got in their stances and waited for the signal to start. When, they did Ra noticed many times that their were openings Marinette could have attacked but she did not take them. He quickly realized Marinette was strategic and knew what could happen if she were to take an opening. 

Marinette was able to out manuver her and in the end beating Lady Shiva. She was able to disarm her and pin her against the wall with a katana pointed at her throat hover like a milimeter from her flesh. He looked at his daughter and you could clearly see the pride and love in her eyes as she looked at her daughter. He looked at his grandson and saw pride and admiration in his eyes. 

He was angered that she managed to beat the best assassin in the league which boosted everyone's respect for Marinette. He was annoyed by it. He got yelled at by Talia when, she realized that his intention was for her to get killed. She stabbed him in the leg because he narrowly dodged it because she was aiming for his chest. He stopped trying to kill Marinette but, still had a deep hatred for her. 


The attack of Deathstroke came when the twins were 10 and Damian was given to his father while Marinette was taken to Paris. Marinette thought that Damian had died and Damian thought Marinette had died. They both missed each other dearly and hardly ever spoke about the other twin unless they were alone. 

Marinette forced herself to celebrate her birthday even though it hurt her for the sake of her cover. Damian didn't celebrate it at all. He mostly never talked to anyone that day and only told Alfred about Marinette. He always carried the charm he gave her on him everyday and she did the same with the charm he gave her. 

Marinette made a plushie of Damian in his assassin wear with his katana and charm in hand. She cuddled with it every night and spoke to it at night and told it everything like she did in the league. She told it all her secrets and exciting things or when she needed to cry. She talked to it as though it were a living thing. 

Damian had a photograph of Marinette and him from when they were 8 that his mother had taken of them. Nobody in the league knew about it except the trio. He never told anyone about the photo and kept it well hidden but, made sure it was never damaged. He would rub his finger over Marinette when he missed him and would talk to it. He would say how much he missed her and he would allow himself to cry. 

They never knew that their twin was alive but, would always cling to hope that they were. Someway, somehow. 

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