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nothing was said to erity as she came with to the warehouse, although she did receive a thankful look from atsushi who was probably happy he wasn't going to be alone with dazai to be used as bait for the tiger.

the three of them sat on separate crates in the warehouse, eritys eyes where closed as she leaned back on the crate with her earbuds in as she listened to suicide song by nashimoto-p.

"Dazai-san, erity-kun, what are you reading and listen?" atsushi asked them making dazai look up from his book and erity open her eyes and look at him.

"A good book/song" dazai and erity answered at the same time making them look at each other, erity glanced down at the book and recognized it, she had the same one back at home.

the complete guide to suicide, it's quiet a good book indeed.

"I'm surprised you can read when it's this dark" atsushi said making dazai look back down at his book as erity went back to listening to her music and leaned her head back.

"I have good vision. Besides, i already know everything that happens in this book " dazai responded, erity noted that he hadn't told him which book it was but then again she hadn't told him to which song she was listening too.

erity agreed with him as she too knew the book completely from memory. it was one of her favorite once and yet all her attempts haven't worked.

maybe i should read it again, i might have missed something

"Why are you reading it, then?" atsushi asked as he sweatdropped.

"A good book is always good, no matter how many times you've already read it" dazai responded making erity close her eyes as she remembered a small memory from when she told her the same exact thing.

a lady with light green hair and eyes sat next to the bed where a small erity laid in with the thin blanket put over her as her eyes where focused onto the lady who looked down at the book in her hands, reading out of it.

the lady had gotten a 'promotion' as her boss had called it, she now had full watching duty of erity. she wasn't mad about it though, she had actually been quiet excited because it meant she got to spent more time with erity.

one of the first things she decided to do was start to read to her, she had asked which book she would like her to read but only got a head tilt as response which she had learned was eritys way of conveying she didn't understand. because of this all the books she read where her own pick until erity could decide for herself.

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