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sugimoto sat with his hand cuffed at a table in the interrogation room, light seeping in through the window behind him as the sun was going down. giving everything a warm orangy hue although the atmosphere inside the room was the exact opposite.

on the opposite side of the table sat officer minoura and on the right, ranpo.

dazai and atsushi were watching them from the other side of the window, into the interrogation room.

erity had decided to take place inside the interrogation room, leaning onto the wall right next to the door, slightly concealed by the shadows as the last sunlight had not touched that part of the room yet.

"I didn't intend to shoot her" sugimoto started "She...she was going after a certain politician for corruption, what they didn't predict was that she actually found evidence of a major diet member's crime. however, the diet member was savvy and tried to use a mole inside the police, to get rid of the evidence" he explained not looking up once.

"And your're that spy" ranpo spoke up as he looked at sugimoto.

sugimoto clenched his fists slightly.

"I'd always wanted to become a police officer, after my third time failing the exam, i was depressed. that was when a man reached out to me, asking if i was willing to do anything to become a cop. after joining the police force with the diet member's help, i had to follow his orders in return" sugimoto continued.

"So you killed yamagiwa as one of his dogs?!" officer minoura shouted as he slammed his fist against the table.

"That's not what happened!" sugimoto yelled back "i was trying to warn her, i told her she'd get herself killed if she didn't give up the evidence, but she..." sugimoto trailed of and looked back down at the table, remembering the night he killed her.

erity's head was leaned back onto the wall with her eyes closed, thinking what that night was probably like before she leaned her head back down, eyes opening and landing on sugimoto.

"if you do nothing, you'll be convicted as a killer" ranpo began to explain "you'll be fired from your job. in a panic, you could only think of one person to go to for help, how ironic. when you called the diet member, he told you how to destroy the evidence, just as you were told to, you fired two more shots into her chest, to make it seem like the mafia's had done it, you set her adrift in the river to delay discovery"

"Where is the evidence yamagiwa obtained?" officer minoura questioned "That diet member's responsible for yamagiwa's death! tell me, sugimoto!" officer minoura demanded as he stood up.

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