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Harley's POV

I stayed in his office for the next hour or two, watching him work. Occasionally I would ask a question or refill his coffee. He didn't seem to mind, which is surprising since I always seemed to be in the way. He worked diligently even while I looked at him. I examined his face every which way. The conclusion was always the same. He is striking.

Deciding that I wasn't contributing to anything and he'd probably prefer if I were elsewhere, I proceeded to move off the chair and exit the room. I hadn't seen Brooke and Rachel all day, and I'm sure they were missing me and wondering where I was.

"Where are you going?" His voice echoed in the large room.

"To my room,"  I answered softly. "I don't want Rachel and Brooke to worry about me."

"I'll send Felipe on your behalf. " He said then pulled his phone out; tying something and then putting his phone back in his suit pocket. "We have to talk." He got up from his chair. My stomach went instantly hollow.

"What about?" I asked. My eyes followed him as he walked next to his desk to a short file organizer. All the drawers were locked--as expected-- but he didn't move to unlock one. Instead, he pulled the entire cabinet away from the wall and slipped his hand behind it. I couldn't see exactly what he was doing but based on his hand movements and how his fingers flicked, I guess he was typing something in. He pulled something out then Only using his knee, he pushed the metal filer back against the wall. My eyes still followed his form as he walked to me with a thick manilla folder in his hand.

"Take this." He handed me the folder. Hesitantly I took the folder from his hand and withdrew. The folder was bulky, clearly stuffed with papers.

"What's this?" I ask, pressing my fingers against it like feeling it could tell me the contents inside.

"Your freedom," he answered confidently. He strolled to the front of his desk and leaned against it, crossing his arms over his chest like he usually does. Does he mean I'll get to leave? I chance to return my family and Avery? I couldn't think of anything I wanted more. I missed them so much my body shook just thinking about it. I won't feel Xander's intense feverish presence. My heart won't feel like it's going to beat out of my chest. A hint of aggravation tugged at me as I thought about never seeing Xander again. It shouldn't feel like this. "I want to give you the chance to pay off all your debt,"

"O-okay." I nodded. I could tell his body stiffened.

"You'll store that somewhere safe." He motioned towards the folder. "Don't open it, don't let anyone else read it, don't let anyone else touch it. That's all you have to do to ensure your freedom." He declared.

"Th-that's it? That's all I have to do?" I asked. It was too simple. There had to be more to it.

"For now." he breathed out. "Three jobs. Once you finish them all, your free to go." His face looked more cold and emotionless than I'd ever seen it before. He was a brick wall, and I wanted to know why.

"Is something wrong--ar-are you in trouble?" I asked. My face twisted in concern. None of this was making sense. It was all so sudden. He always offered few or no details.

"My whole life is trouble, princessa." He looked away for a moment, then back on me.

"That's not an answer," I replied, but I knew that's all he would tell me. He didn't take his eyes off of me even when I was visibly in deep thought.

"I'll be gone all day tomorrow, Maybe the next day too." He finally cut the silence.

"Where will you be-" I rasped.

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