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Xander's POV

"Harley-" I quickly swiped my finger across the screen to answer. I pressed the cold phone to my ear and tried to suppressed my harsh breathing so I could hear her voice, but it never came. "Har-," I started to say louder this time at the same time I pressed the speaker button to amplify any noise made.

"-you weren't anything but a fuck buddy to him!" A familiar raspy whiny voice.

"Wow. That's Daniel." Henry gasped like it wasn't painfully obvious.

"Shut the fuck up so I can hear this motherfucker." I hissed to henry then turned my attention back to the phone.

"-you were taken and used!" He yelled. "Xander took you! He abused you! Tell them!"

I felt my heart beating in my throat. My forehead began to form beads of sweat on my hairline. My teeth intensively clenched tightly to the point where an aching pain spread through my jaw. It took the smallest yelp of her voice to send my thoughts in overdrive.

"N-no." She hissed. Her sweet voice quivered in anger. I could hear the exhaustion alluded from her tone. My heart bent the more she spoke. "That's not what happened!" Suddenly everyone's voices were unstable and cutting out and in. I pressed my ear closer to the speaker like that'd make everything sound clearer. But, instead, I was answered with shuffling and shoes squeaking against the floor. Did he touch her? After everything, she stills fighting for me. Even after all the horrible things I did to her, she still manages to defend me. Even with her life at risk, she is fighting for me. She found it in her big bustling heart to put her trust in me one more time, and I won't disappoint this time. I'll fight for her, for us. I won't let her hurt ever again. I'll slash as many throats as I have to for her.

"Pull the car up to the front! Tell the rest of the guys!" I barked at Henry, who immediately nodded and sprinted out of the office.

With the phone pressed against my collarbone and to my ear, I marched behind my desk to my safe. I slide the cold heavy guns down my back under my waistband tightly. My lengthy switchblade was shoved in my shoe. After I raced out of the office like the floor was on fucking fire.

"I already know what happened!" Daniel screamed, his voice sounded clear now, but it wasn't likely to last long. "but you clearly don't! He took and refused to let you go!" I stopped dead in my tracks.  I didn't tell Harley about Daniel's proposal when I confessed everything about her kidnapping since I figured it was irrelevant at the time. However, now that he's told her, it'll seem like I purposely wanted to trap her here, like I wanted her to be a slave to me. I was racing down the stairs again. I wasn't sure how long Harley would be adamant about defending me when she hears everything else he has to say.

"-so I asked him to return you, and he said he's keeping you until he felt like letting you go," Daniel spoke proudly. Desperate prick. My girl is stronger than that. She knows me. She knows I love her. Even if she doesn't want to admit it, she knows deep down.

"He used you for your body!" he cried. "He only let you go because I threatened to kill him-" His voice cut out again.

"Fuck!" I growled in irritation as I marched down the driveway, my feet pounded against the pavement. The passenger side door was already open, making it easy for me to slip in. Another car followed behind us, filled with random guys Henry ordered to join. Emilio, Pedro, Julian, and Felipe stared at me with stern faces as I slammed the door closed.

"What else has he been saying?" Henry asked. He peeled off down the road, not waiting for a signal.

"The fucking call keeps cutting out" I ran my hand across my face.

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