Chapter Nineteen (Damion's P.O.V)

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    5 days. It has been 5 days since he'd seen Ryan's adorable little face and his sweet, shy smile. 5 blasted days on around the clock patrols.

The only good news is that it seems to be working. The banded together group of rogues has fallen apart. The intimidation has worked on many of them and those it hasn't worked on have turned on each other. Leaving us little to do other than pick off the ones who enter our territory.

'Alpha, Ryan's in his backyard and no rouges are in the area if you want to make your way this way' Alex links to me.

After checking with my other patrol groups and getting similar reports I head towards Ryan's house. When I arrive, Alex is posted in the woods behind the house watching and waiting for me. I bump my snout against the side of his and he takes off, swapping me jobs so I can see Ryan.

I step out of the forest into the yard. Ryan's head whips in my direction and he lets out a loud hiss, pulling his ears back, and flashing his fangs at me.

I feel my eyes turn gold as my wolf takes control. He takes quick strides to get us to our mate who has now, upon realizing it was us, taken to sitting on the ground and smiling widely at us.

My wolf lays us across our mate's lap careful to not crush his legs and begins to lick his neck. Ryan begins to pet us, scratching behind our ears which has my whipped wolf purring at the attention.

Henry and Maria rushed out of the house, no doubt ready to fight off an attacker from their son but stopped short when they saw our position. Recognition crosses Maria's face before Henry's and they lower their weapons. A kitchen knife and a taser!? Where the hell did Maria get a taser?

Ryan giggles softly and kisses the top of my snout near my eyes, which has my ears folding back and my eyes closing with a pleased grumble.

Alex comes bouncing through the trees and my wolf jerks us to a standing position protectively over Ryan, who's still sitting in the grass.

Alex's tongue lolls out of his mouth, and he yips happily. 'All clear Alpha. No rogue sightings all day. Mate's near!'

I link the pack and let them know it's okay to go back to our regular patrol schedule. Which gets me a bunch of cheering as wolves race off to their mates.

Alex bounces around the back yard getting even more hyper as a car approaches. Maria goes around front and waves someone I had never seen before into the backyard with us.

My wolf has us in a protective stance in front of our mate before I can even think of getting into one. Ryan begins to play with my tail, trailing his fingers through my fur, which is rather distracting.

"Damion, this is Maria's brother Noah. He's a vet. We we're going to have him look at Ryan the other day since he was running a fever again, and Noah said he was familiar with hybrids." Henry explained.

Noah held up his hands in the 'don't shoot' gesture as he slowly approached. We growled at him as he got closer but went silent in surprise when he lowered himself to his knees a few feet away from us.

"I mean no harm. I take it you must be Damion, Ryan's mate. I am just here to give him a checkup." Noah assured.

It was at that moment that Alex's wolf took control. He ran across the yard and pounced on the vet who, instead of panicking as I expected, laughed and began to pet Alex.

Alex yipped happily and licked all over Noah's face and neck before shifting back, sitting completely naked in the man's lap, and clinging to his neck repeating the word 'mate' for all of us to hear.

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