Chapter Thirty-Five (Damion's P.O.V.)

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     Ryan slept fitfully in my arms, I knew his heat was nowhere near over and that he was close to waking up for another round. But I'm determined to get more food and water into him first. I would like to get him cleaned up as well if it's not going to be too difficult for him.

He blinked bleary eyes open at me with a soft whine. I slid out of bed and gathered him into my arms, carrying him into the bathroom. I set him on the toilet while I filled the tub. After the tub was filled and he finished relieving himself I gathered him back into my arms and slid into the tub with him. I carefully washed him, sliding my fingers through his hair with the shampoo. His eyes slid closed, and he began to purr while I cleaned him. After rinsing out the shampoo and carding the conditioner into his hair, I began to wash his body, careful to not touch in one spot too long in case I trigger his heat. After finishing rinsing him off, I sat and held him in the tub. His heat was giving him a reprieve and I didn't want to risk moving him and triggering it. He needs a moment to breathe.

Once he began to squirm around again, I got us out, dried us off, and carried him back to bed. I handed him a bottle of water while I got some more food out of the mini fridge we had placed in here for if this happened. He finished the water bottle fully this time, ate some more fruit, some chocolate, and a small bit of cooked chicken. Then he pushed the food away and began to mess with the blankets. I put the food back in the mini fridge and watched to see what he was up to.

I realized very quickly he was nesting. He pulled everything off the bed and began to arrange the pillows and blankets again. He lined the edges of the bed with pillows and blankets until the entire bed had a small wall around it. He then began tucking blankets around that as if to reinforce the walls. I grabbed him more blankets and realized he was also shoving my clothes, that he grabbed off the floor, into the spaces of the nest so I grabbed him more of my clothes as well. After a while of rearranging and fluffing he must have decided it was ready. He turned to face me, his eyes slightly glazed, and made a soft whining sound.

"Invite me in, my sweet Omega." I said softly.

"Please?" He asked, stretching his hand out to me.

I moved carefully onto the bed, trying my best not to disturb the edges of his nest. I laid where he pointed and he quickly curled up against my chest.

"My sweet Baby. Making us a beautiful nest, cuddling so perfectly. You're so beautiful my Love. I love you." I cooed softly.

"I love you too." He slurred back, "wan mark you."

"Of course baby, get some sleep and the next time you need some attention you can mark me." I replied.

He nodded, laid his head on my chest, and promptly fell asleep.

(Ryan's P.O.V.)

I woke up feeling unbearably hot again. I whined loudly reaching for my mate. He was there instantly rolling fully onto his back and pulling me on top of him. I lined myself up with his already hard cock and slid down it. He groaned loudly, gripping onto my hips to steady me. I began to rock, fucking myself onto him, planting my hand on his chest and rolling my hips desperate to make myself feel good.

"Mmm, that's a good boy. Make yourself feel good, Love." He groaned.

It wasn't long before I began to whine again. This wasn't enough. I needed him to fuck me harder. He seemed to know what I needed as soon as I did because he rolled us over, laying me on my back beneath him. I cling to him, scraping my nails down his back as he begins to pound me the way I needed him to. I keened and moaned, arching myself into him and trying to slam my ass down onto him.

"Such a good boy. That's right, take what you need from me. Make yourself feel good for me. My sweet boy's going to cum already, isn't he?" He teased softly.

I nodded unashamed, cumming right after. I felt it coating my stomach in a rush of heat. Damion never stopped moving, hitting my prostate perfectly and sending me into my next orgasm moments later.

My eyes rolled as another came from seemingly nowhere, leaving me an incoherent babbling mess. I clawed at his back, my tail wrapped desperately around his leg as if I could use it to pull him closer to me, and I mouthed at his neck.

"Go ahead, sweet boy. Mark me while I lock you on my knot." He groaned.

I wrapped my arms and legs around him as I sank my teeth into the juncture of his neck and soldier. He cried out as his knot expanded rapidly inside me, and he came hard. He sank his teeth into my mark again causing me to cum again as well. It felt like the orgasm was never going to end, one sliding right into the next. I wasn't the only one, Damion's knot wasn't deflating, and he kept groaning as he came with me.

Slowly we both came down from the high of our mating. His knot slowly deflated, and he rolled onto his back, bringing me up into his chest as we both fell asleep.

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