Chapter 2

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Annabeth POV

"All right, we will be sneaking into the west side of the facility," Agent La Rue said boldly.

Piper, the Stolls, Katie, and I nodded. Clarisse could be scary, we couldn't double-cross her, especially on an important mission.

The recruits were split up into groups to infiltrate the BlodgeHarm facility. We were out in the field and gearing up to go. Lake Valor's soldiers would facilitate the direct attack and be here for backup.

"Agent La Rue, we have to infiltrate first to clear as much of the coast, correct?" Piper asked.

 "Yes, and to save any innocents that might get caught up in the crossfire," Clarisse explained.

 "Do we know if there are victims inside?" I asked seriously.

"It is likely, and we have to prepare as such," Clarisse said firmly.

I continued to strap on my velcro armor. Our vest was bulletproof, and our weapons were top-notch. I sheathed my knife and fixed my gun into position.

I was ready for my first mission.
"All right, on my mark," Agent La Rue whispered on site.

We were standing at the outer edge of the woods on the west side of the BlodgeHarm facility. this was supposedly one of the terrorist group's main facilities. It certainly was big.

The large garage door started to open.

"Now," Clarisse hissed.

We all quickly and quietly ran towards the garage. The driver of the truck that left had already started to close it.

However, we were quick enough to make it inside.

Barely. Both of the Stolls had to slide in through the garage doorway. The screen closed with a loud thud as the Stolls got up.

"Gained entry to the west," Agent Clarisse said into her earpiece.

The rest of us scoped the large room. It was a garage filled with cars and trucks. We were hiding behind a cargo truck because security was patrolling the premises.

"Entry point at 11 o'clock," I whispered sharply. Clarisse nodded in agreement.

We slowly snuck behind vehicles until we made it towards the door. The room and building were pretty depressing in shades of dull colors. However, this made it easier to camouflage in our black outfits and velcro.

"A security tag is needed to pass," Katie noted immediately. 

"So, what would you recruits do?" Clarisse asked sternly. I already knew what to do. The question was who wanted to take out one of the security agents.

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