xviii - laying the trap

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It was the hardest thing I've done so far . Not even when things went south between Penny and I,  or even when Aria chose Warren did the heartache compare seeing Nikki leave my arms to begin executing the plan her father laid out. I know the plan is solid. Everything about it makes sense but the dread of not being around her hurts. Even more is the sting of knowing that Austin has to play it up .

Part of me still wonders if he's behind this . If somehow he was the mastermind while Rick and Shirley were the puppets . But the more sensible part knows this isn't the case. He's never proven himself to be less than a gentleman and he's never had a "psycho" track record . Hell, he's also offered an array of resources at our disposal because he doesn't want to be caught up in some fake story . He also didn't like hurting Nikki . As much as I hate to admit it, in the short time he's gotten to know her , he's shown that he cares a great deal.

Perfect Austin, I wish I could paint him the bad guy but I can't.  I've had firsthand experience with Nikki's ex and I can confidently say that what's happening isn't beneath the tricks he's willing to pull . For revenge.

Stephanie picked Nikki up and they left . We had one last kiss before I watched her leave. My heart squeezed not knowing when I can have her back.

"Patience," is all Aria says to me .

"I know."

Walking back into the livingroom where all our plan hatching took place , I see Warren looking at the evidence on the table.

"This guy is crazy," he says.

"Yeah, you should've seen when he confronted Nikki," I say as I recall the day we went back to their old house.

"We have extra security planted around her building as well as Austin's and yours. They'll be in plain clothes so as not to raise any suspicion. Austin had a few move into the building as close to your apartments as possible so that we have security on the inside as well," he tells me, giving me some relief as far as her safety is concerned.

"That's good . But I still don't get why Austin would go through all the trouble," I say flippantly.

"Because , whether or not you want to admit it aloud , he's one of the good guys. Besides his name attached with fake news doesn't give him or his family a good look. First and foremost he worked extremely hard to build a name for himself. Second, he's all about family and traditions . And third, he told Aria and I that he really saw himself falling for Nikki," I'm about to make my case again but Warren stops me , "with that said, if he can't make her happy directly, he'll do what he can even if he's not the source of it."

Well shit. He really is a good guy huh? Too bad I don't know any good available women to introduce him to , mostly so he doesn't have anymore contact or need to be friendly with Nik . I sigh and Warren gives me a warning look.

"I'm not going to get in the way. And when this is done I'd prefer him to be no closer than 800 meters from my woman," I huff out.

"Possessive much?" He smirks.

"No, I just... just don't want them to be close to each other . She has enough friends, including you," I stammer out only to be met with a chuckle.

"I'm happy to see you fight for her," he says.

"I'll always fight for her," I instinctively respond.

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