Year 5 - 12

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Some wanted a more descriptive torture session but that would require changing the entire rating of my story from T to M on ff and watty, and including additional ao3 warnings for just one chapter. So... sorry my friends but nope.


I had returned to my dorm room at around five in the morning. I crawled into bed with Iris, burying my nose into the pillow and relishing what little sleep I could obtain. The sensation felt oddly nostalgic. I was reminded of the time I first crawled into bed after shadowing a fifteen hour surgery. The adrenaline of being allowed in the same room as the surgery drained away as I stood there for hours on end, watching the surgeon slowly cut into the body.

I had taken a shower before returning, scrubbing myself clean of any lingering evidence of what had transpired.

The blood had been washed from my hands, yet the smell still lingered in my head.

There was a knock at my door—my baby horntail model, Tsu, growled at the sudden noise—and I mumbled, "Whosthere?"

"It's Daphne."

With a half-ass wave of my hand, I magically unlocked my door and grumbled, "S'unlocked."

The door opened up and it was not only Daphne, but Theodore, and Draco as well. I sat up, blearily staring at them. For some reason Daphne had a bundle of stuff in her arms, as did Draco and Theodore.

"Come on," said Daphne. "Get dressed."

"Dressed in what?"

"Matching pajamas," she said crossly. "Come on."

I tugged off my shirt as Draco and Theodore politely looked away and instead began to set items around my room—magazines, catalogs, nail polish, hair ties, brushes, rubbish, empty plates, etc—and dumped stuff onto my bedroom floor. I got dressed in the matching pajama robes, noticing how Daphne wore the exact same ones.

Then in came Tracey, Pansy, and Millie—everyone wearing matching robes—and they all had a bunch of stuff in their arms. Within minutes my babeh snakes had transformed my tidy room into what looked to be a sleepover tornado.

"Someone want to explain?" I asked as Pansy crawled into bed with me and started to brush my hair. Tracey sat on the floor of my bed, grabbing my hand and starting to paint my nails.

"You had a sleep-over party," Draco told me.

I blinked. "Wait—wait—are you guys—"

"Hermione told me about Harry's detentions," Theodore said quietly. "Your outburst was... public. People saw you were upset."

They're making an alibi for me?

"So upset in fact, you came and confided in your best friends," said Daphne as she took my other hand and also started to paint my nails.

"We stayed up all night in your room," said Pansy. "Just look at this mess the elves will have to clean up."

My eyes burned, an onslaught of messy pride and gratitude making my stomach flip-flop. Teenage hormones amped everything up and it was a genuine struggle to not happy-cry. I sniffled loudly. "Awww."

"We're all very tired," mumbled Millie. "So tired we're going to be late for breakfast."

"Or maybe just order in."

I noticed their sleeping bags and blankets. My smile widened further.

"So we'll eat later, and this is the mess the House Elves will find to clean up to verify our stories if questioned," concluded Daphne.

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