Pre-School 4

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It wasn't right, what he did. No matter how bad things got deliberately harming children to get back at their parents was never going to be the answer, nor was it forgivable. It was an awful, and cruel thing to do.

But I could understand it.

Strictly from a psychological standpoint, at least. Shunned and forced into self-loathing isolation would permanently damage anyone's psyche. Spending years alone, longing for acceptance but mercilessly turned away at every attempt would break even the strongest men. In addition, society itself would go out of its way to harm him for simply existing. Werewolves were the snubbed-ilk that society perpetually spat upon and conveniently looked the other way when it suited their needs. Anyone would grow bitter from that. Anyone would want justice, would want someone to know how unfair society was.

Fenrir Greyback made it his life's goal to convert as many as he could, to force society to acknowledge werewolves and force them to accept them.

For someone left uneducated, alone, and consistently spurned, it was the only idea he had; the only hope he had.

If everyone is a werewolf, no one will hurt me again.

So while his actions were deplorable and unforgivable, I could understand them.

And I detested the magical society for it.

I didn't understand how I knew where to find him—didn't understand how I knew to send the owl addressed to Fenris Grey. It was one of those odd things that floated in my mind and I had to wonder if maybe I read about it on Pottermore or something.

I made a little basket with food, water, and basic medical supplies. I added a thick blanket because it was cold, and I knew he would be sleeping outside. Then I made a little letter:

To Fenris,

You do not know me, and we will not meet for some time. You may call me Enáretos, and you should know that I am on the side of the werewolves. I hope the basket helps you.

Your friend,


A small, and simple gesture.

But it was the first step I had to take.

If I wanted to fix the prejudice in society, I had to acknowledge its mistakes and try to correct them.

(Although in the private part of mind I could quietly admit that I was not acting solely out of righteousness. There was a selfish motive to my move. But only in the dark parts of my mind would I be willing to say even that much yet.)


A week later:

Dear Fenris,

A very happy holidays to you. I have come of wind of some lovely gifts I believe your pack might enjoy. As always, if there is anything you require do not hesitate to ask.

Your friend,



Five months later

Dear Fenris,

A ghost whispered to me that there is a raid scheduled for your camp tomorrow night. Take caution and evacuate. I have included more expandable bags for you.

Harry Potter and the Bucket ListOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora