Dear Diary - 07

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25 November, 2016
( 4 years ago )

Dear Diary,

Past couple of weeks have been the most crazy and the best weeks of my life.

I never really thought that this would happen, but Hans and I have become very good friends and tennis buddies, yes! Don't say you didn't know I do something aside from reading and writing books. I'm a tennis champion.

Momma and I used to play tennis in Williamson's tennis court, she was the one who introduced it to me. She herself was a national level player, that's how Mr. Williamson and she first met-

Ahh I don't wanna go there and be sad again, because nowadays I'm living on cloud nine. I listen to Taylor Swift and dance barefoot in my dorm room for literally no reason. Obviously, when the other roomies aren't present.

Update is, Hans and I play tennis everyday, even on weekends, and not intending to brag but Hans has not won a single match against me. It's not like he's a bad player. No, he's also an amazing tennis player but not upto my level.

Honestly, for the first time in my life I feel like I'm truly happy. Hans is the best person I've ever met. Finally, I feel like I found someone who understands me, who cares about me.

You know I've always been a dead serious introvert girl in front of everyone. But now I want Hans to know that I'm much more than just a mute bibliophile. I want to be the real me with him. I want to share all my smart ideas and lame thoughts with him.

But I don't know how to do that. Everytime I face him, my mouth goes shut and I can't help blushing. I'm afraid, don't know of what. But I think I should keep the things the way they are.

I don't want to do anything that could result in losing him.

Sorry, sorry. No pity talks!

Diary, but you need to admit you're proud of me. I mean, do you even know how hard it is to be friends with your crush. Oh heavens, every second I feel like blushing and smiling but it's bloody hard to cover it.

For the first time in a long while, I'm not desperately waiting for the time to fly. Instead, I want to spend every single second of my life with that boy. You know, I'm still dreaming the same dream, of becoming a famous author, but now I want Hans to be by side when I'll receive The Booker Prize.

I just cannot believe that a person like me with thousands of emotional, mental, personal, family and trust issues, could ever fall for someone, that too so hard.

And now I've started to talk like he is my boyfriend. But I don't want to stress about that. I fancy him, and he is my good friend, that's enough for me.

Love Noriana.


Namaste, You Pyare Human. ٩( ᐛ )و

❁ Firstly, I apologize with my whole heart for not replying to all of your sweet comments in the previous chapter. My days have been quite a lot messy recently.

❁ But, I swear, I read each one of them. And I can't explain how much I appreciate you opening Wattpad, clicking on my book, and then typing those comments.

❁ Well, somedays I don't stop talking and somedays I don't talk at all. We all are weirdos in one way or other. Duh.

Do you just ever sit in a corner in silence, and listen to your own voice in your old voice notes? That's me almost every day.

Little More Love || Completed Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ