Chapter 27 : Baseball Bat

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We fall in love with people's flaws. The perfect person would be impossible to love.

Hans' POV -

Unbuttoning my shirt, I rest my head on the headboard of my bed. It was a long day, not physically but mentally. First, the happiness of signing the contract paper.

Then, the nostalgia and pain in the conversation with Andrew which later followed by anger. And then finally, shocker of the day!

I think I need a break. Otherwise I'll get insane. What was I even expecting? Of course she has a boyfriend! It's been two and a half years.

I kinda already knew it but why did it come like a shocker to me? How stupid of me to bring sandwiches for her! She must be laughing at me for being so kind!

And that man, he looked like in his late 20s. What did she find attractive in him? Oh yeah, she's got a thing for tall men. Would've been so easy to replace me.

She even gave him a nickname. Mr. Lemonade. She never gave me a nickname.

I leave my bed to step into my workout room where my eyes just search for a punching bag to vent out all the wrath that is burning inside of me. Without having the patience to wear gloves, I start punching.

A sensation of sweat drops rolling down my bare chest encourage me to punch with more enthusiasm. The picture of that man keeps flashing inside my head.

Bloody Mr. Lemonade.

What kinda relationship they're in? How much time do they spend together? Do they do the things couples do? Has he kissed her? Do they sleep together on the same bed? Every night?

I punch and punch, with all the strength in my muscles as though it's that bastard's face. He thinks he can replace me! Only if he could, bastard.

If I see him around her ever again, I swear I'm gonna tear his throat out.

I still have some more fury to vent. However, I stop when I see blood on the prey of my anger. My knuckles are bleeding.

Punching is a bad idea when your hand is already injured. It didn't hurt this much on the night I broke the mirror. But it's actually killing me now.

I rush to find my first aid kit, and wrap a bunch of bandage, as best as I could when my hands are trembling. An alerting sound reaches my ear and I look behind, at my Ipad, which is the source of it.

It says something's wrong at the main gate of my house. My heart skips a beat and I open the front door security camera's live footage.

Noriana! At this time? With a baseball bat!?

Pulling a coat from the cupboard, I drape it around my bare chest and dash through the staircase to stumble upon my main gate, but I proudly handle myself.

“ Hans, tell this security guard that you know me, and ask him to let me in. ” she barks with her wide eyes gaze pinned on me, making me terrified enough that all I can think to do is to nod my head and follow what she says.

“ Yeah, I know her, let her in. ” I tell the gaurd, who immediately apologizes her. “ Sorry Madam, you can go in, but you have to leave this bat here for security purpose. ”

Bad move mate.

You bloody hell! I will gladly leave it here after knocking your and your boss's head off with it. ” she tightens her grip on the baseball bat and the other guards pull out their guns.

What's the matter with her?

“ Noriana love, calm down. Leave the bat here and come on in. We'll talk. ” she squints her eyes at me making me more nervous. However, later she reluctantly hands over the bat to the guard.

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