Chapter 20

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"He's changed, Emma. He wasn't sick. He even cut his hair off and got a tattoo!" she said. "He knew about the Cullens being vampires, about you being a Banshee. I don't understand anything anymore"
"It's okay, everything will be okay" I whispered to Bella.

The next day, Bella wanted to go for a hike and I went with her.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"A place where it was beautiful" she said.

But when we arrived, it was dried up grass. Bella fell on her knees and began to cry.
I sensed Laurent... I looked around and I saw him.
"Bells, get up" I said and she listened to me.

"Bella and Emma" said Laurent.
"Laurent" said Bella and Laurent suddenly stood in front of us.
"I didn't expect to find you two here" he said. "I went to visit the Cullens, but... their house is empty. I'm surprised they left the two of you behind. Aren't you sort of, um... a pet of theirs?"

"Yeah, you could say that" said Bella.
"Hey, way to insult us" I said.
"Do the Cullens visit often?" asked Laurent.

"Yeah, absolutely, all the time" said Bella.
"Hey, you know what. Jasper and I were going to call again tonight. I'll tell him that you stopped by, if you stay for a while I'll tell him to come sooner" I said and smiled.

"But you shouldn't probably tell Edward" said Bella. "Because he's pretty protective"
"But they're far away, aren't they?" asked Laurent.
"The better question is, why are you here?" I asked.

'I'm a better liar than Bella, so she should probably let me do the talking'
"I came as a... favour to Victoria" he answered.
"Victoria?" asked Bella.

"She asked me to see if the two of you were still under the protection of the Cullens. Well, more specifically you, Bella. Victoria feels it's only fair to kill Edward's mate, given he killed hers. An eye for an eye" said Laurent. "She wanted Emma too, but we have no intention to die by the dying scream of a Banshee. I hear it's very excruciating to die like that"

"Edward would know who did it" said Bella. "And he'd come after you"
"I don't think he will. After all, how much could you mean to him, if he left you here unprotected?" said Laurent.

"She's not unprotected" I said and my eyes were glowing.
Laurent sighed. "You're not a full fledged Banshee yet. Well, Bella, Victoria won't be happy about my killing you. But I can't help myself. You are so mouth-watering" he said.

"Please don't. I mean, you helped us" said Bella and Laurent stood in front of Bella.
I began frying his brain and he fell on his knees and grabbed his head.
"I told you she wasn't unprotected" I said and Laurent began to laugh.

"You are not a real Banshee yet. You can't kill me, so how long can you hold this?" he laughed.
"Long enough" I said and smiled when I felt the warmth of the wolves.
"I don't believe it" he said.

"Do you want a head start?" I asked and smirked.
I let him go and he began to run away.
I looked at Sam who was annoyed that I let him go, but I was just toying with Laurent.

"Well, Bells. I think that's far enough for a head start, don't you think?" I said.
I raised my hand and I stopped Laurent from running.
"Emma, let me go!" shouted Laurent.

"Not a chance in hell" I said.
My eyes were glowing and I looked at the wolves. Sam nodded and ran for Laurent. When he was close, I let go and dragged Bella out of the forest.
'They're strong, they can kill Laurent. I bought them enough time...'


"Dad, we saw them!" shouted Bella when we came home.
'What are you doing, you idiot!'
"What's the matter?" asked Charlie.

"In the woods. They're not bears" said Bella and I looked at Harry, I sent him an apologizing look for not stopping Bella from talking.
"What do you mean, in the woods? Bell, Emm, what the hell were you two doing out in the woods?" asked Charlie.

"They're wolves. I mean, they're, like, huge wolves" said Bella.
"Are you sure about that, Bella?" asked Harry.
"Yeah, we just saw them. They were after... something" she said.

"Wolves?" said Charlie. "Emma?"
They were all looking at me.
"It all happened so fast. I didn't see it clearly, I was too busy running out of the woods. It could've been a wolf, but it could've also been a bear" I said and Bella looked confused at me.

"All right. Well... Harry? Feel like going hunting? Get some of your guys together?" asked Charlie and I began to panick.
"Sure, yeah. I'll... I'll just, uh..." said Harry and left the house.

"I should go to the station" said Charlie.
"Dad, you should... you should go" said Bella.
"Can you just stay in the house?" asked Charlie and he looked at me.
"Yes, sir" I said.


I woke up in the middle of the night by the warm feeling of Jacob.
He was in Bella's room... I looked at the painting of the Cullens I finished, it was still drying, but I was happy with the result.

I looked at the picture on my nightstand of Jasper and me. And I read his letter again.
'I wonder if he still listens to his voicemail... I wonder if he got my messages'
I took Jaspers sweater and put it on me, it gave me comfort...


The next morning, Bella stormed in my room and pulled me out of bed.
"Get up, Emma! They did something to Jake!" she shouted.
"What? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I don't know! But he came in to my room last night. He couldn't tell me, he literally couldn't. We have to go" she said and I got quickly dressed.
I took Jasper's jacket, I was going to need every single bit of control if it would get out of hand...

She drove to Jacob's house and kept knocking at the door until Billy opened it.
"Bella" he said.
"I need to see him" demanded Bella.

"He's not in" said Billy.
'Lie, I can sense Jacob in there'
"Look, I'm sorry, I really need to see him" said Bella and stormed passed Billy.

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop her. I think she knows" I said to Billy and he nodded.
Bella stormed back outside and began to run to the others of the pack.
"Oh, bloody hell, Bella stop!" I shouted but she didn't listen.

"What did you do?" she asked and she pushed Paul. "What did you do to him?"
"Easy" said Sam.
"He didn't want this!" shouted Bella.

"What did we do?" asked Paul. "What did he do, hmm? What'd he tell you?"
"Both of you, calm down" said Sam.
"Bella, Sam's right. Stay calm" I said and touched her shoulder.

"Nothing!" she shouted at Paul. "He tells me nothing because he's scared of you"
Paul began to laugh, but Bella hit him in the face.
'Oh boy' I thought when I noticed Paul's heavy breathing.

"Too late now" said Jared.
"Emma, get Bella back" said Sam and I nodded.

"Bells, you have to get back, now" I said and pulled her with me.
"Paul! Calm down now" said Sam.
But it didn't work and Paul phased...

I pushed Bella behind me and my eyes began to glow.
"Paul, I really don't want to hurt you. But if you take one step closer to us I will" I threatened. "Bella, run"

And luckily she listened this time.
"Bella!" I heard Jacob shout.
"Run! Jake, run!" screamed Bella, who didn't notice I was still standing in front of Paul.

Jacob jumped over Bella and phased as well. I stepped away from Paul, next to Sam.
Paul and Jacob began to fight and the went into the forest.
"Oh well, that was just bloody brilliant" I said to Sam and he rolled his eyes.

"Take Bella back to Emily's place" he said.
"Guess the wolf's out of the bag" said Jared.
"Really?" I said and he laughed.

The Banshee (Jasper Hale x OC)Where stories live. Discover now