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When Nick and I crash through the doors of the relative's room, both Monica's and Summer's eyes fall on us. I can see the judgement oozing off them like tree sap, but I don't care. Nick doesn't seem to care either as his hand slides around my waist when we stand in front of them both.

"What's happened?" I question.

Monica's eyes widen and fall to look at Nick's hand.

"He fell into another seizure. It's been fifty minutes since, and no one's told us anything yet," Summer pipes up.

"Can you not go in as his nurse?" Monica demands Nick. I notice the judgemental tone of her voice and want to call her out. She's the one who was encouraging both Joel and me to cheat. She was the one who hid Joel's affair, and she has zero right to judge.

"I can, but I won't achieve anything. I'm not on shift, so I can't do anything," Nick says smoothly.

"So, your reason for coming was...?" Monica demands.

"Can we just not do this right now?" I cut in. "Joel and I are separated. Just... right now, it's not important."

Everyone falls into silence, but I can just about hear the drumming of everyone's hearts, the anticipation thick in the air like a humid summer's day.

I perch on the all-familiar chair I've sat in for the past near-three months since this all kicked off and sigh.

Nick hovers beside me, his hand gripping my shoulder as if it's going to fall off.

"The last time this happened, they put him in a coma," Monica mutters.

The door opens and Doctor Daniels appears. I've often wondered how doctors manage to keep that pristine poker face they always do. I wonder if it's learnt or whether all these medical professionals just come pre-installed with the skill, and it comes to the surface when they qualify. Either way, I can't decipher his expression, and when he approaches us, the only thing I get is slight confusion when his eyes set on Nick.

"You're not on shift?" Doctor Daniels asks him.

"No," Nick answers simply.

Something silent passes between the two of them, but my heart pounds too hard to care. Something's happened, I can tell.

"Mrs Watkins?" The doctor turns to me.

"Yes?" I answer. I contemplate saying 'the soon-to-be ex', but it seems a bit stupid right now.

"Are they all family?" he asks, gesturing to both Summer and Monica.

"Yes, Joel's family," I answer. Part of me could be petty after everything Monica and Summer have done, but I know Joel wouldn't want that. I also wouldn't want that for Joel.

My Blossoming RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now