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There's a popular saying that says all good things must come to an end. Usually, I'd say it would go for a good film or a TV series that makes you sit at the edge of your seat, or even a good book or a holiday. When my mum stands in front of me and Nick appears with an annoyed expression, I think the saying is relevant. It's been a good few months without a word from her, and I guess that must end.

"Are you not going to give your mother a hug, Aspen?" Mum coos.

"No, I don't think I will," I admit.

"Aspen, I have driven a long way to be here, the least I deserve—"

"If it were up to me, you deserve to be thrown out of my flat, Sarah. Because you are my fiancée's mother, I will make an exception. If you so much as disrespect her, I will not hesitate to show you the door. That is your only warning," Nick warns.

If I wasn't in a state of paralysis from the shock, I would kiss him.

"Fiancée?" Mum questions. So, she was just threatened and that's all she takes from that? Typical.

"Yes, Mum, we're engaged," I answer.

She beams. "Congratulations!"

It's all for show. I know she's not really this happy – she let her feeling be known at Joel's funeral.

"What do you want?" I demand. "Because I don't remember giving you my address, and I distinctly remember telling you that I never wanted to see you again."

"That was a long time ago, my child. Monica gave me your address, and I thought we could discuss everything. I'm sure you have heard about your father's... sin against me."

"Oh, you mean the divorce that he wants?" I snort. "Because you two were in mine and Joel's situation with the sex before marriage thing? You pushed him to get married, didn't you?"

She ignores my mention of it. "Divorce is a sin, Aspen. You know that much. Your father is turning his back on the Lord after twenty-two years. He listened too much to your ramblings and crimes against God Almighty after poor Joel—"

"Sarah, I really would tone it down. This is our house," Nick warns through gritted teeth.

I glance at him: he threatened to throw her out. I wonder why he hasn't done so now.

Perhaps he knows I need this for my final closure of sorts. Especially now I know the truth.

"The Lord will show your father the light. Just like he seems to be doing to you."

"Mum, please just stop. What do you want?" I demand.

She stares at me before perching on a sofa without asking. Normally I wouldn't care, but because it's her I do.

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