:: Chapter 8 :: Halloween Nightmares

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The day was slightly cold out but still walkable without the capes they carried around, so Harry and Draco layed out in the sun, it being their free hour before astronomy. Daphne reading a book against a tree and Blaise sitting under the same tree's shade.

Neville, a now regular among them was letting Trevor, his frog hop around freely, while also making sure the frog didn't run off again. Angus was making cute noises as it followed the frog.

Harry sighed as he felt the sun relax him with warmth he needed from the cold wind of fall. "We should start going back in huh?" He asked out loud, eyes still closed.

Glancing out of the corner of his eyes Draco looked at Harry. "We could, or we could skip."

"Considering we are first years, I don't think we should skip just yet." Daphne says as she blocks the sun from the boys who groaned at her. She only smiled and rolled her eyes. "Come on you lazy bones. It's a long way up. Maybe we'll see your dad on our way up, we have him after Astronomy remember?"

Harry sighed, she was right, but that didn't help him. Because as much as he wanted to go see his dad, he was to sleepy due to the sun to move. Suddenly, fluff was in his face making his jump up and catch Angus when he fell off his face. He heard snickering as he looked down at the puffskein affronted as it seemed to be laughing as well.

"Cmon Harry, let's go." Draco said as he clipped his cloak back on with a laugh.

Harry, sighed before getting up and grabbing his cloak. "For your information, we have lunch first before going to my dads class."

"Ah yes, can't ever forgot about the food." Blaise smirked.

Harry blushed as they all smiled at him and started their way up. He had to hurry to catch up after putting his cloak on. "Food is important!" He defended as he caught up to them, standing beside Draco.

"Especially the blue food." Neville poked in a shy smile on his face as he put Trevor into his pocket. The croaking insueing.

"Yes! Exactly! Neville gets it." Harry rolled his eyes and they all just laughed as they made their way up. Stairs upon stairs.

They were glad they left when they did, otherwise they'd have never made it to class.

Astronomy was fun for Harry honestly, he loved learning about the stars, because he loved the stories of what his father told him about them. He loved all his dads stories.

Then they went down to his dad class, so far it had been pretty fun considering it was really mundane, not much magic was taught unless it was spells that warded muggles away. Or simple charms that concealed your wand. Easy things really. He said in later years he would teach higher spells. But for now they are learning about the history from muggle perspectives, as well as magical mixed in. Everyone in the school had been talking about it all over, saying how it was interesting and about how muggles were advancing in their own ways as well.

The Ravenclaws were the most interested unless they were muggleborns-who already knew about it all. So far, they've advanced to Percy teaching them how to make electricity work with smaller devices.

Entering the class room, full of soft couches and chairs, along with tables and water, blue was the theme of the colors, and the large windows looked over the landscapes of Hogwarts. Harry smiled as he watched his dad use his magic to make the books appear in their tables.

"Good afternoon class, you nearly ready for lunch?" Percy asks as he leans casually against his desk piled with papers he had yet to grade. His dad looked tired but happy.

Everyone responded with eager nods or yeses around the room.

"Alright good, today, we'll be learning technology-muggle style. I'm trying to catch you all up to the Ravenclaws, but we all know they're just going to continue to milk me dry." He laughed as did the others. It was a Hufflepuff and Slytherin class. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were in the Astronomy tower at the moment. "Now, who knows what I mean by this-and don't respond if your know what a mobile phone is." When all hands raised Percy realized he was truly behind.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now