:: Chapter 12 :: Second Year Starts

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Note// more like a quick warning but the years are going to be pretty short and more focused on the characters and their interactions as well as growing their relationships. up until 6th or 7th year. Depends on stuff thou so yeah, also sorry its been awhile, haven't been able to find the time to write lately, being an adult sucks

The ride to Hogwarts was comforting to Harry, Just as if he was going home from his grandfathers. He smiled as he looked out at the passing scenery, his friends all around him doing their own thing. He was really glad he made the decision to come to school. Nothing to bad had happened...besides his birth mother having no clue that Harry was indeed his and this Tom person.

Ridding that thought, he was glad his dad was doing research in his own time to help Severus remember somehow.

What he wasn't that excited for was the new teacher that will be taking the place of that Quirrell dude, who honestly barely taught them anything, but his dad helped him a lot in the areas he didn't understand or should have known. But this new teacher, was definitely going to be worse somehow and he didn't even know why just yet, all he knew was that the man was a fake with how he acted and his books that were assigned for them to read through out the year. He didn't even bother trying to read them. His father hated the man as soon as they entered the bookstore and he tried to leech some fame off Harry. Lucius even helped upon entering much to a shocked Weasley family, minus some twins.

When they arrived they boarded carriages pulled by strange horses that for some reason only he and Neville could see. They shrugged and just put it as only a magical few could see.

The grand feast wasn't as exciting as the first year, his father waved at him when he entered but that was all there was, he hadn't seen his father for about a week after his birthday considering he had to be at Hogwarts earlier that year, so he stayed at the Malfoys. Meeting Dobby who was very happy to serve Harry, thus Lucius gave the house elf to him. Though first telling how house elves needed to be in servitude under someone less they die later on as they weaken. Dobby was extremely happy to be under a more forgiving master. Harry was happy to get to know the wrinkled creature. 

The next day after the first grand feast of the year, classes were handed out and the school routine had started. They petitioned early on to self study for history considering Binns wasn't the best for rounded history but goblin history only. They soon asked for the same for Lockhart's classes considering the incident with the pixies and Neville hanging from a chandelier. 

They heard rumors of how Ron somehow being late, with his sister Ginny Weasley, a first year. They all heard the next night about a howler from an angry mother about a flying car. 

But Harry was more pressed about Ginevra Weasley. She seemed to follow him around with heart eyes and he hated it, as he already had enough of those from others of his fanbase, but this was different as she was more pushy then he liked. She didn't seem to care he was in Slytherin either, and she was a Griffindor like her brothers. She only stopped when the twins told her off. 

Other then that, Harry and Draco seemed to be getting closer and inseparable, They were best friends, but Daphne and Hermione's giggles and smirks made it seem like they thought different.

Otherwise Harry was just glad he was having a good year, for some reason he always thought he'd get in trouble somehow, with the Jackson Luck, but thus nothing as severe just yet.

So, he just enjoyed his leisure days of being a second year.


Percy graded easily with his gift from last year and was glad it would go a lot smoother this year because of it. While it graded he read books on legilmency and occlumency during his free time from the classes he taught. Right at the moment it was Lunch time, but he decided to eat in his class Dobby having helped when he called for him. Dobby loving to serve him as much as he did Harry. Even though he could just get himself something as well.  It just made the house elf so happy to do it for him he never had the heart to say no.

He looked up from his book to find Severus entering with food for them both, and he didn't have the heart to tell the man he already ate, It made him happy the man was thinking about him. His plate was already gone before the man could see it on his desk. Severus sat the food on one of the tables and looked over at him. Sighing Percy stopped his grading pen, as he needed to be bale to check over the papers to make sure it was being done right every once in awhile. 

"How's your day going Sev?" Percy asks as he sits applesauce style on the couch in front of him grabbing carrot piece to snack on.

"Nothing but normal." He spoke casually as he ate silently, and this was the normal for them.

Asking questions back and forth then comfortable silence as they did whatever. Severus usually reading or grading paper he himself brought with him.

"What's with the occlumency books?" Severus asks as he sees the books titles after Percy finished his lunch. he was curious why Percy would need to know about such things, but then again he learned it for his own as well.

Percy's eyes locked with his own and for some reason time stopped for the older man for split second before Percy was smirking at him. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He laughed when he frowns at him, but they went back to their separate tasks.

That was their usual, even though sometimes instead of Lunch it would be dinner as well. Talking and drinking firewhiskey, neither getting drunk off it but considering Percy cant exactly get drunk and Severus stops before he does. Then it was just them talking and drinking. Severus always felt comfortable around Percy enough to talk about anything for such long periods of time, it was still strange to him. To have someone he was just himself around having only known him for a year at this point.

But he didn't care, He liked that feeling. 

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now