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"Hiya babes, i missed you! I coo at them as I smoosh their faces. Cocos tongue lolls out the side of his mouth happily while I scratch his chin.

"How is it possible?

I turn to Cat and shrug, subconsciously rubbing Cocos fur between my fingers"I don't know, Kelty tried to attack me the first time we met but then she injured herself and I took care of her, building up her trust, she is my gaurdian" I think back to what the moon goddess had said "I don't really know what that it but she had protected me from every threat and so has Coco".

"I am surprised, the only person who has ever had a gaurdian was the moon goddess when she walked the earth".


"Yes, the moon goddess walked the earth once spin a time but people grew greedy and thought they could kill her and take her power so the moon goddess rarely appears, she only watches, from afar".

"I never knew that" I say in shock "that makes sense though, everyone now only looks for power and money, I can't imagine how it felt for her creation to turn on her" I shake my head in shame.

"Yes, it was very horrible, no one has heard from her in over a hundred years, she normally contacts people by visions".

I blink and contemplate whether to tell her or not, my internal battle was interrupted by the voice in my gut which said to tell her, so I did, I explained to her how she came to me and the time around me slowed down, she had taken me to the old tree and talked to me. etc.

When I had finished she asked me some questions and I answered them as best as I could. When she had interrogated me as best as she could she clapped her hands together.

"Well, that was interesting, there are a few more things we need to test, do you think your up to it?

I nod "go for it".

"Okay, the next to test is if you read werewolves and wolves minds?

I shrug "I don't know, I never really tried".

She nods "Yes I'll walk you through it so your fine".


"You can keep your eyes open or closed, depends on you comfort zone?

"I'd prefer to close them, I concentrate more".

"Okay, so close our eyes" I do and I'm instantly plunged into darkness "now take a few breaths, it gets easier to read minds after a while until you can do it like that" she snaps her fingers. I take a few deep breaths to slow my pounding heart before i nod "calm? I hum in response "Okay, now focus on your wolf, Coco? I do that hear his steady heartbeat, or was it mine? "Now slowly pick through his mind, it doesn't hurt him, he doesn't feel it and you will be able to notice if you can read his emotions or what he is thinking".

I do as she said and a feeling rushes to me, a calm feeling. I let out a gasp of air and Cat says urgently "Yes?

I open my eyes and smile widely at her "he's calm"

Cat's eyes crinkle up as she smiles proudly at me "I'm so happy for you Casey, you have stumped us all, the range of your powers are phenomenal, absolutely shocking and you haven't even finished tour test".

My ego swells at that and I stand taller.

"Could you read his mind or just his emotions?

I think back "um, I only felt his emotions, is that bad?

She shakes her head "no no no, it's still very good, you are a little behind on that power, where you are exceptional at some powers, on the others you lack some of the power but it is still baffling how much power you hold".

I sigh in relief "Okay".

Her next words throw me into a Pitt of confusion "now read my mind and tell me what you sense".

I frown "what?

She elaborates "you need to see if you can read a werewolves mind as well so I'm telling you that you can read mine for this test".

I search her eyes for any signs of doubt, when I didn't find it I ask her "are you sure?

She nods firmly and smiles "Yes child, I've nothing to hide".

I nod "o-okay, if your sure?

"Knock yourself out".

I close my eyes and focus on Cat, I pick through her mind until I sense three  emotions, I open my eyes and smile calmly as I name them "bafflement, pride and happy".

She nods "Your right, as you read emotions they are basic, they are..." she searches for a word to describe my emotion detector "professional, if you get what I mean?

I laugh "Yes, I get what you mean".

She sighs in relief "good, I'm not very good with words" she chuckles and I laugh with her "it's Okay, me neither".

She chuckles and scribbles on her chart.

She then produces a piece of paper and hands it to me "can you read that?

I blink at how sudden she handed it to me then I take it the piece of paper. Slowly the humble letters formed a sentence and I read them "Hope shall grant this world with the things it deserves..."

"what does that mean?

I look up at Cat but she just shakes her head "its just a piece of paper with Greek written on it Casey, it has no meaning, it is meerly something to test if you understand Greek".


Cat laughs and scrawls on her chart then pauses, her smile dropping.

I shift from one foot to the other when I hear whispers ring out around the room, unease rolling off everyone in waves "What's wrong?

Cat flashes a fake smile at me "nothing sweetheart".

I search her emotions "then why are you worried?

She sighs as I caught her lie "the next power is something I do not like to test..."

I feel a pang of fear in my chest "why?

She looks up at me "because I have no doubt you will be able to do it, the power you hold is proof".

"And... what is it?

Her gaze locks to mine "necromancy".


Hi there sugar buns!!!! Sorry I haven't written in a while, it's been sunny over here in Scotland so I've been enjoying it while I can.😅🌞

🖤What do you think of the necromancy power?🖤

Please vote!!!!

I love ya!!!!😙❤

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