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"You dead?"

A face looms blurrily above my head and I groan.

"Nope, definitely not dead" another voice answers for me.

I sit up and groan again, clutching my head which was thundering like I was taking hammers to the inside of my skull.

"W-What happened?" I shakily get out, still clutching my head, taking in deep breaths to stop the pain.

"You nearly died" someone said bluntly and I hear a thump and an 'Ow!'.

I look up to see everyone gathered around me, looking guilty. It was Cass who had spoken, I internally snort, of course it would have been Cass with the bluntness.

I mock glare at all of them and they squirm, uncomfortably.

"Casey we're-" I put a hand up to silence Ellie, she fiddles with her shirt, which was dripping wet.

I turn away from them, not wanting them to see my smile.

Not wanting to torture them any more I turn around and grin evilly. They look confused.

"So" I say looking at each of them "What are yall gonna do for me since you nearly made me drown".

They all looked around in disbelief and finally Molly steps forward, grinning with folded arms "And who says we're even gonna do anything?".

I still smile evilly as I say "Well... ya know, I could easily mind-link Troy and tell him yall pushed me in" They all pale "And I could even add a few tears, I took some acting classes before when I was human and i'm told i'm very convincing..." I finish, still smiling.

Hannah narrows her eyes at me "You wouldn't"

I giggle and say playfully back "Oh I totally would".

"Hmph" Hannah folds her arms and bites her lip, still glaring and then sighs and sticks her tongue at me "Fine! I'll make you a chocolate cake"

"And ill buy you hot chocolate" chips in Molly.

"And the rest will pick some movies so we can have a girls night and pig out" Says Cass, who rubs her hands together at the thought of food.

"Ill buy the snacks!" Estelle says quickly, her accent thickening slightly.

"Okay so me and Ellie are picking the movie then" Cass looks around, doing the math and then grins "Perfect!"

"No horror! Says Molly quickly.

"Or that soppy disgusting romance stuff" Hannah pretends to gag.

"Okay soooo.... Action/Comedy and a Disney?" Estelle asks and everyone looks around nodding.

"Perfect" I chip in and go to wring out my hair with my hands "Now lets go back before we all freeze our butts off out here" and everyone nods enthusiastically.


"Where're you going?"

The voice makes me jump and whirl around. I let out a sigh of relief and clutch my chest, breathing heavily "Jesus Troy, you nearly gave a heart attack!"

He chuckles and in one movement, scoops me into a hug.

"What's this for?" I mumble into his shoulder.

"I missed you, girl time is annoying".

I smile into his shoulder guiltily "Troy-"

"At least now I can have you all to my self..."


"...without any girls barging in"

I let go and step back, still smiling guiltily.

He sees my look and groans in frustration "Cant I have you for one night!"

I smile weakly "You can have me after, Its girls night- or day"

He mutters something that sounds remarkably like 'Girls' under his breath and pulls me into a kiss.

When we break apart he smiles at me and waves me on "Fine, im not happy about it but im happy as long I can have you after?"

I smile back and suddenly wrinkle my nose at him "Yeah because you need a bath" I giggle and waft my hand over my nose and he growls playfully at me before tiredly saying "Yeah, the warriors are doing great and im keeping them up on their training" he runs a hand through his hair "How are you guys coming along?"

I think back to the last training sessions "They're doing really well, some of them are ready to start training with the warriors, oh and carly is doing really well. I think we've got a future elite warrior on our hands".

He nods "Thats really good, ill send for the warriors to start training with us and remember tomorrow-"

"Yes" I roll my eyes at him "Remember tomorrow we are planning battle strategies out blah blah blah yeah I won't forget" I touch his arm when he doesnt look convinced "Dont worry" he nods before he hugs me, leaning his cheek into my hair and inhaling.

"Be careful" he mumbles through my hair.

"But baby, its only girl night" i humorously frown because i dont want a morbid mood hanging around.

He plays along and playfully says "Oh you never know. Girls are unpredictable".

I laugh and let go of him before leaning up to kiss his cheek "dont worry, ill be fine" i wiggle my eyebrows "Im immune to girl talk".

He chuckles and lets me go to the room where all of the others are waiting.

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