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Mitch and Sarah were on a mini honeymoon. They didn't have much time because we had to be in Ohio in a few days for a show but they would be taking a proper honeymoon when the tour ended in six weeks.

It has been 3 days since I last saw Ezra and it was too long. I wanted to see her again, especially since I was going on the road again.

We've been texting constantly and sending pictures too of different things we're doing or seeing throughout our day.

I was constantly glued to my phone. Which is so unlike me. I usually don't want my phone near me, I like to stay off of it as much as I can, but I never wanted to miss a message she'd send me.

She was capturing all my attention and thoughts. Which I wasn't complaining about. I couldn't stop thinking about her, the way she talked, the way she smiled and laughed. Her soft lingering touches and the way her body felt against mine.

I physically missed the way she made me feel.

I wanted to hangout again and maybe watch movies. Just... be Harry and Ezra again.

Which is why I boldly texted her asking if she wanted to have a movie night at my place. She replied telling me:

sounds fun, i can bring popcorn. just warning you, you're about to see the most casual and laid back Ezra that not many people get to see.

Well then you'll see the most casual and laid back Harry that not many people get to see.

Once I realized she was actually coming over I was scrambling to clean up a bit more. My place was already pretty spotless but I wanted a good impression on her. I had a blanket for us to share and I lit a candle so it would give a fresher smell.

Eventually the doorbell was ringing and I was padding across the floor to see her. My heart was beating so wildly and I haven't even opened the door.

I took a deep breath before opening the door. My heart stopped beating momentarily as Ezra wore the biggest smile on her face.

God, she is beautiful.

I smiled and opened my arms for a hug which she immediately walked into.

"I brought snacks," She smiled holding up her hands with bags of popcorn and another bag that held different candies.

"Perfect, I figured we could order Chinese a little later when we're a little hungry," I shrugged closing my door as she stepped in and placing my hand on her back to guide her.

As she walked in front of me I took time to notice her outfit. She was wearing sweatpants, t-shirt, socks, and fuzzy slippers.

She made any outfit look runway ready.

All I wanted to do was cuddle with her. My outfit was basically identical except I was wearing a sweatshirt and no fuzzy slippers.

"Angel, you look dashing if I do say so," I smiled watching her cheeks blush as she put everything on the counter.

"Thank you, H. Now, I know I said you could surprise with a movie but I'm still so appalled that you haven't seen 10 Things I Hate About You, honestly this relationship cannot move forward until you've seen my favorite movie," she shrugged and I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face at the use of the word relationship which she seemed to pick up on and her face flushed an even deeper shade of red. "Y'know, like friendship relationship, like friends. You and me, like buddies," she nervously spoke making me laugh.

SHE [HS]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora