Chapter 24: Gliding and Sleep Talk

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Harry stands in a steel-barred cage. Wearing his soft, ripped jeans, his chest and feet are mouth wateringly naked, and he’s staring at me. His private-joke smile etched on his beautiful face and his eyes a molten green. In his hands he holds a bowl of strawberries. He ambles with athletic grace to the front of the cage, gazing intently at me. Holding up a plump ripe strawberry, he extends his hand through the bars.

Eat,” he says, his tongue caressing the front of his palate as he enunciates the‘t’.
I try and move toward him, but I’m tethered, held back by some unseen force around my wrist, holding me. Let me go.
“Come, eat,” he says, smiling his delicious crooked smile.
I pull and pull… let me go! I want to scream and shout, but no sound emerges. I am mute. He stretches a little further, and the strawberry is at my lips.
“Eat, Louis.” His mouth forms my name, lingering sensually on each syllable.
I open my mouth and bite, the cage disappears, and my hands are free. I reach up to touch him, graze my fingers through his chest hair.
No. I moan.
“Come on, baby.”
No. I want to touch you.
“Wake up.”
No. Please. My eyes flicker unwillingly open for a split second. I’m in bed and some­one is nuzzling my ear.
“Wake up, baby,” he whispers, and the effect of his sweet voice spreads like warm melted caramel through my veins.
It’s Harry. Jeez, it’s still dark, and the images of him from my dream persist, dis­concerting and tantalizing in my head.
“Oh… no,” I groan. I want back at his chest, back to my dream. Why is he waking me? It’s the middle of the night, or so it feels. Holy shit. Does he want sex – now?
“Time to get up, baby. I’m going to switch on the sidelight.” His voice is quiet.
“No,” I groan.
“I want to chase the dawn with you,” he says, kissing my face, my eyelids, the tip of my nose, my mouth, and I open my eyes. The sidelight is on. “Good morning, beautiful,” he murmurs.
I groan, and he smiles.
“You are not a morning person,” he murmurs.
Through the haze of light, I squint and see Harry leaning over me, smiling. Amused. Amused at me. Dressed! In black.
“I thought you wanted sex,” I grumble.
“Louis, I always want sex with you. It’s heart-warming to know that you feel the same,” he says dryly.
I gaze at him as my eyes adjust to the light, but he still looks amused… thank heavens.
“Of course I do, just not when it’s so late.”
“It’s not late, it’s early. Come on – up you go. We’re going out. I’ll take a rain check on the sex.”
“I was having such a nice dream,” I whine.
“Dream about what?” he asks patiently.
“You.” I blush.
“What was I doing this time?”
“Trying to feed me strawberries.”
His lips twitch with a trace of a smile.
“Dr. Flynn could have a field day with that. Up – get dressed. Don’t bother to shower, we can do that later.”
I sit up, and the sheet pools at my waist, revealing my body. He stands to give me room, his eyes dark.
“What time is it?”
“5:30 in the morning.”
“Feels like 3:00 a.m.”
“We don’t have much time. I let you sleep as long as possible. Come.”
“Can’t I have a shower?”
He sighs.
“If you have a shower, I’ll want one with you, and you and I know what will happen then – the day will just go. Come.”
He’s excited. Like a small boy, he’s iridescent with anticipation and excitement. It makes me smile.
“What are we doing?’
“It’s a surprise. I told you.”
I can’t help but grin up at him.
“Okay.” I clamber off the bed and search for my clothes. Of course they are neatly folded on the chair beside my bed. He’s laid out a pair of his jersey boxer briefs too, Ralph Lauren, no less. I slip them on, and he grins at me. Hmm, another piece of Harry Styles’ underwear – a trophy to add to my collection – along with the car, the BlackBerry, the Mac, his black jacket, and a set of old valuable first editions. I shake my head at his lar­gesse, and I frown as a scene from Tess crosses my mind: the strawberry scene. It evokes my dream. To hell with Dr. Flynn – Freud would have a field day – and then he’d probably expire trying to deal with Fifty Shades.
“I’ll give you some room now that you’re up.” Harry exits toward the living area, and I wander into the bathroom. I have needs to attend to, and I want a quick wash. Seven minutes later, I am in the living area, scrubbed, brushed and dressed in jeans, a shirt, and Harry Styles’ underwear. Harry glances up from the small dining table where he’s eating breakfast. Breakfast! Jeez, at this time.
“Eat,” he says.
Holy Moses… my dream. I gape at him, thinking about his tongue. Hmm, his expert tongue.
“Louis,” he says sternly, pulling me out of my reverie.
It really is too early for me. How do I handle this?
“I’ll have some tea. Can I take a croissant for later?”
He eyes me suspiciously, and I smile very sweetly.
“Don’t rain on my parade, Louis,” he warns softly.
“I will eat later when my stomach’s woken up. About 7:30 a.m.… okay?”
“Okay.” He peers down at me.
Honestly. I have to concentrate hard on not making a face at him.
“I want to roll my eyes at you.”
“By all means, do, and you will make my day,” he says sternly.
I gaze up at the ceiling.
“Well a spanking would wake me up, I suppose.” I purse my lips in quiet contempla­tion.
Harry’s mouth drops open.
“On the other hand, I don’t want you to be all hot and bothered; the climate here is warm enough.” I shrug nonchalantly.
Harry closes his mouth and tries very hard to look displeased, but fails hopelessly. I can see the humour lurking in the back of his eyes.
“You are, as ever, challenging, Mr Tomlinson. Drink your tea.”
I notice the Yorkshire label, and inside, my heart sings. See, he does care, my subcon­scious mouths at me. I sit and face him, drinking in his beauty. Will I ever get enough of this man?
As we leave the room, Harry throws a sweatshirt at me.
“You’ll need this.”
I look at him, puzzled.
“Trust me.” He grins, leans over and kisses me quickly on the lips, then grabs my hand and we head out.
Outside, in the relative cool of the half-light of pre-dawn, the valet hands Harry a set of keys to a flash sports car with a soft top. I raise an eyebrow at Harry, who smirks back at me.
“You know, sometimes its great being me,” he says with a conspiratorial but smug grin that I simply can’t help emulating. He’s so lovable when he’s playful and carefree. He opens my car door with an exaggerated bow, and in I climb. He is in such a good mood.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” He grins as he slips the car into drive, and we head out. He programs the GPS and presses a switch on the steering wheel and a classical orchestral piece fills the car.
“What’s this?” I ask as the sweet, sweet sound of a hundred violin strings assails us.
“It’s from La Traviata. An opera by Verdi.”
Oh, my… it’s lovely.
“La Traviata? I’ve head of that. I can’t think where. What does it mean?”
Harry glances at me and smirks.
“Well, literally, the woman led astray. It’s based on Alexander Dumas’s book, La Dame aux Camelias.”
“Ah. I’ve read it.”
“I thought you might.”
“The doomed courtesan.” I squirm uncomfortably in the plush leather seat. Is he try­ing to tell me something? “Hmm, it’s a depressing story,” I mutter.
“Too depressing? Do you want to choose some music? This is on my iPod.” Harry has that secret smile again.
I can’t see his iPod anywhere. He taps the screen on the console between us, and be­hold – there is a play list.
“You choose.” His lips twitch up into a smile, and I know it’s a challenge.
Harry Styles’ iPod, this should be interesting. I scroll through the touch screen, and find the perfect song. I press play. I wouldn’t have figured him for a Britney fan. The club-mix, techno beat assaults us both, and Harry turns the volume down. Maybe it’s too early for this: Britney at her most sultry.
“Toxic, eh?” Harry grins.
“I don’t know what you mean.” I feign innocence.
He turns the music down a little more, and inside I am hugging myself. My inner goddess is standing on the podium awaiting her gold medal. He turned the music down. Victory!
“I didn’t put that song on my iPod,” he says casually, and puts his foot down so that I am thrown back into my seat as the car accelerates along the freeway.
What? He knows what he’s doing, the bastard. Who did? And I have to listen to Brit­ney going on and on. Who… who?
The song ends and the iPod shuffles to Damien Rice being mournful. Who? Who? I stare out of the window, my stomach churning. Who?
“It was Alex,” he answers my unspoken thoughts. How does he do that?
“An ex, who put the song on my iPod.”
Damien warbles away in the background as I sit stunned. An ex… ex-submissive? An ex–
“One of the fifteen?” I ask.
“What happened to him?”
“We finished.”
Oh jeez. It’s too early for this kind of conversation. But he looks relaxed, happy even, and what’s more, talkative.
“He wanted more.” His voice is low, introspective even, and he leaves the sentence hanging between us, ending it with that powerful little word again.
“And you didn’t?” I ask before I can employ my brain to mouth filter. Shit, do I want to know?
He shakes his head.
“I’ve never wanted more, until I met you.”
I gasp, reeling. Oh my. Isn’t this what I want? He wants more. He wants it, too! My inner goddess has back flipped off the podium and is doing cartwheels around the stadium. It’s not just me.
“What happened to the other fourteen?” I ask.
Jeez he’s talking – take advantage.
“You want a list? Divorced, beheaded, died?”
“You’re not Henry VIII.”
“Okay. In no particular order, I’ve only had long term relationships with four men, apart from Liam.”
“Mr Payne to you.” He half smiles his secret private joke smile.
Liam! Holy Fuck. The evil one has a name and its all-foreign sounding. A vision of a glorious, pale-skinned vamp with raven hair and plush lips comes to mind, and I know that he’s beautiful. I must not dwell. I must not dwell.
“What happened to the four?” I ask to distract myself.
“So inquisitive, so eager for information, Mr Tomlinson,” he scolds playfully.
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t hire a private investigator to get your background check first”
Harry blinks startled, then visibly relaxes. Perhaps it’s the early morning? Something in the Doncaster water? The Doncaster air? What else do I want to know? Carpe Diem.
“So the other four, what happened?” I ask.
“One met someone else. The other three wanted – more. I wasn’t in the market for more then.”
“And the others?” I press.
He glances at me briefly and just shakes his head.
“Just didn’t work out.”
Whoa, a bucket-load of information to process. I glance in the side mirror of the car, and I notice the soft swell of pink and aquamarine in the sky behind. Dawn is following us.
“Where are we headed?” I ask, perplexed, gazing out at the road. We’re heading south, that’s all I know.
“An airfield.”
“We’re not going back to London are we?” I gasp, alarmed. I haven’t said goodbye to my mum. Jeez, she’s expecting us for dinner.
He laughs.
“No, Louis, we’re going to indulge in my second favourite pastime.”
“Second?” I frown at him.
“Yep. I told you my favourite this morning.”
I glance at his glorious profile, frowning, racking my brain.
“Indulging in you, Mr Tomlinson, that’s got to be top of my list. Any way I can get you.”
“Well that’s quite high up on my list of diverting, kinky priorities too.” I mutter, blush­ing.
“I’m pleased to hear it,” he mutters dryly.
“So, airfield?”
He grins at me.
The term rings a vague bell. He’s mentioned it before.
“We’re going to chase the dawn, Louis.” He turns and grins at me as the GPS urges him to turn right into what looks like an industrial complex. He pulls up outside a large white building with a sign reading Doncaster Soaring Association.
Gliding! We’re going gliding?
He switches off the engine.
“You up for this?” he asks.
“You’re flying?”
“Yes, please!” I don’t hesitate. He grins and leans forward and kisses me.
“Another first, Mr Tomlinson,” he says as he climbs out of the car.
First? What sort of first? First time flying a glider… shit! No – he said that he’s done it before. I relax. He walks round and opens my door. The sky has turned to a subtle opal, shimmering and glowing softly behind the sporadic childlike clouds. Dawn is upon us.
Taking my hand, Harry leads me round the building to a large stretch of tarmac where several planes are parked. Waiting beside them is a man with a shaved head and a wild look in his eye, accompanied by Taylor.
Taylor! Does Harry go anywhere without that man? I beam at him, and he smiles kindly back at me.
“Mr Styles, this is your tow-pilot, Mr Mark Benson,” says Taylor. Harry and Ben­son shake hands and strike up a conversation, which sounds very technical about wind speed, directions, and the like.
“Hello, Taylor,” I murmur shyly.
“Mr Tomlinson.” He nods a greeting at me, and I frown. “Lou,” he corrects himself. “He’s been hell on wheels the last few days. Glad we’re here,” he says conspiratorially.
Oh, this is news – Why? Surely not because of me! Revelation Thursday! Must be something in the Doncaster water that makes these men loosen up a bit.
“Louis,” Harry summons me. “Come.” He holds out his hand.
“See you later.” I smile at Taylor, and giving me a quick salute, he heads back to the parking lot.
“Mr Benson, this is my boyfriend Louis Tomlinson.”
“Pleased to meet you,” I murmur as we shake hands.
Benson gives me a dazzling smile.
“Likewise,” he says, and I can tell from his accent that he’s American.
As I take Harry’s hand, there’s a mounting excitement in my belly. Wow… glid­ing! We follow Mark Benson out across the tarmac towards the runway. He and Harry keep up a running conversation. I catch the gist. We will be in a Blanik L-23, which is apparently better than the L-13, although this is open to debate. Benson will be flying a Piper Pawnee. He’s been flying tail draggers for about five years now. It all means nothing to me, but glancing up at Harry; he is so animated, so in his element, it’s a pleasure to watch him.
The plane itself is long, sleek, and white with orange stripes. It has a small cockpit with two seats one in front of the other. It’s attached by a long white cable to a small, con­ventional single-propeller plane. Benson opens the large, clear Perspex dome that frames the cockpit, allowing us to climb in.
“First we need to strap on your parachute.”
“I’ll do that,” Harry interrupts him and takes the harness off Benson, who smiles amenably at him.
“I’ll fetch some ballast,” Benson says and heads toward the plane.
“You like strapping me into things.” I observe dryly.
“Mr Tomlinson, you have no idea. Here, step into the straps.”
I do as I’m told, placing my arm on his shoulder. Harry stiffens slightly but doesn’t move. Once my feet are in the loops, he pulls the parachute up, and I place my arms through the shoulder straps. Deftly he fastens the harness and tightens all the straps.
“There, you’ll do,” he says mildly, but his eyes are gleaming.
“In you go,” Harry commands. He’s still so bossy. I go to climb into the back.
“No, front. Pilot sits at the back.”
“But you won’t be able to see.”
“I’ll see plenty.” He grins.
I don’t think I have ever seen him so happy, bossy, but happy. I clamber in, settling down into the leather seat. It is surprisingly comfortable. Harry leans over, pulls the harness over my shoulders, reaches between my legs for the lower belt, and slots it into the fastener that rests against my belly. He tightens all the restraining straps.
“Hmm, twice in one morning, I am a lucky man,” he whispers and kisses me quickly. “This won’t take long – twenty, thirty minutes at most. Thermals aren’t great this time of the morning, but it’s so breathtaking up there at this hour. I hope you’re not nervous.”
“Excited.” I beam.
Where did this ridiculous grin come from? Actually, part of me is terrified. My inner goddess – she’s under a blanket behind the sofa.
“Good.” He grins back; stroking my face, then disappears from view.
I hear and feel his movements as he climbs in behind me. Of course he’s strapped me in so tightly I can’t move round to see him… typical! We are very low on the ground. In front of me is a panel of dials and levers and a big stick thing. I leave well alone.
Mark Benson appears with a cheerful grin as he checks my straps and leans in and checks the cockpit floor. I think it’s the ballast.
“Yep, that’s secure. First time?” he asks me.
“You’ll love it.”
“Thanks, Mr Benson.”
“Call me Mark.” He turns to Harry. “Okay?”
“Yep. Let’s go.”
I am so glad I haven’t eaten anything. I am beyond excited, and I don’t think my stom­ach would be game for food, excitement, and leaving the ground. Once again, I am putting myself into this beautiful man’s skilled hands. Mark shuts the cockpit lid, strolls over to the plane in front, and climbs in.
The Piper’s single propeller starts, and my nervous stomach relocates itself to my throat. Jeez… I’m really doing this. Mark taxis slowly down the runway, and as the cable takes the strain, we suddenly jolt forward. We’re off. I hear chatter over the radio set behind me. I think its Mark talking to the tower – but I can’t make out what he’s saying. As the Piper picks up speed, so do we. It’s very bumpy, and in front of us, the single prop plane is still on the ground. Jeez, will we ever get up? And suddenly, my stomach disap­pears from my throat and free-falls through my body to the ground – we’re airborne.
“Here we go, baby!” Harry shouts from behind me. And we are in our own bubble, just us two. All I hear is the sound of the wind ripping past and the distant hum of the Piper’s engine.
I’m gripping the edge of my seat with both hands, so tightly my knuckles are white. We head west, inland away from the rising sun, gaining height, crossing over fields and woods and homes. Oh my. This is amazing, above us only sky. The light is extraordinary, diffuse and warm in hue, and I remember Niall rambling on about ‘magic hour’, a time of day that photographers adore – this is it… just after dawn, and I’m in it, with Harry.
Abruptly, I’m reminded of Niall’s show. Hmm. I need to tell Harry. I wonder briefly how he’ll react. But I won’t worry about that, not now – I’m enjoying the ride. My ears pop as we gain height, and the ground slips further and further away. It is so peaceful. I completely get why he likes to be up here. Away from his BlackBerry and all the pres­sures of his job.
The radio crackles into life, and Mark mentions 3,000 feet. Jeez, that sounds high, I check the ground, and I can no longer clearly distinguish anything down there.
“Release,” Harry says into the radio, and suddenly the Piper disappears, and the pulling sensation provided by the small plane ceases. We’re floating, floating over Doncaster.
Holy fuck – it’s exciting. The plane banks and turns as the wing dips, and we spiral toward the sun. Icarus. This is it. I am flying close to the sun, but he’s with me, leading me. I gasp at the realization. We spiral and spiral and, the view in this morning light is spectacular.
“Hold on tight!” he shouts, and we dip again – only this time he doesn’t stop. Suddenly, I am upside down, looking at the ground through the top of the cockpit canopy.
I squeal loudly, my arms automatically lashing out, my hands splayed on the Perspex to stop me falling. I can hear him laughing. Bastard! But his joy is infectious, and I am laughing too as he rights the plane.
“I’m glad I didn’t have breakfast!” I shout at him.
“Yes, in hindsight, it’s good you didn’t, because I’m going to do that again.”
He dips the plane once more until we are upside down. This time, because I’m pre­pared, I hang on to the harness, but it makes me grin and giggle like a fool. He levels the plane once more.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he calls.
We fly, swooping majestically through the air, listening to the wind and the silence, in the early morning light. Who could ask for more?
“See the joy-stick in front of you?” he shouts again.
I look at the stick that is moving slightly between my legs. Oh no, where’s he going with this?
“Grab hold.”
Oh shit. He’s going to make me fly the plane. No!
“Go on, Louis. Grab it,” he urges more vehemently.
Tentatively, I grasp it and feel the pitch and yaw of what I assume are rudders and paddles or whatever keeps this thing in the air.
“Hold tight… keep it steady. See the middle dial in front? Keep the needle dead centre.”
My heart is in my mouth. Holy shit. I am flying a glider… I’m soaring.
“Good boy.” Harry sounds delighted.
“I am amazed you let me take control,” I shout.
“You’d be amazed what I’d let you do, Mr Tomlinson. Back to me now.”
I feel the joystick move suddenly, and I let go as we spiral down several feet, my ears starting to pop again. The ground is getting closer, and it feels like we could be hitting it shortly. Jeez, that’s scary.
“BMA, this is BG N Papa 3 Alpha, entering left downwind runway seven to the grass, BMA.” Harry sounds his usual authoritative self. The tower squawks back at him over the radio, but I don’t understand what they say. We sail round again in a wide circle, sink­ing slowly to the ground. I can see the airport, the landing strips, and we’re flying back over everything.
“Hang on, baby. This can get bumpy.”
After another circle we dip, and suddenly we are on the ground with a brief thump, racing along the grass – holy shit. My teeth chatter as we bump at an alarming speed along the ground, until we finally come to a stop. The plane sways slightly then dips to the right. I take a deep lungful of air while Harry leans over and opens the cockpit lid, clambering out and stretching.
“How was that?” he asks, and his eyes are a shining, dazzling silver green. He leans down to unbuckle me.
“That was extraordinary. Thank you,” I whisper.
“Was it more?” he asks, his voice tinged with hope.
“Much more,” I breathe, and he grins.
“Come.” He holds out his hand for me, and I clamber out of the cockpit.
As soon as I’m out, he grabs me and holds me flush against his body. Suddenly his hand is in my hair, tugging it so my head tips back and his other hand travels down to the base of my spine. He kisses me, long, hard, and passionately, his tongue in my mouth. His breathing is mounting, his ardour… Holy cow – his erection… we’re in a field. But I don’t care. My hands twist in his hair, anchoring him to me. I want him, here, now, on the ground. He breaks away and gazes down at me, his eyes now dark and luminous in the early morning light, full of raw, arrogant sensuality. Wow. He takes my breath away.
“Breakfast,” he whispers, making it sound deliciously erotic.
How can he make bacon and eggs sound like forbidden fruit? It’s an extraordinary skill. He turns, clasping my hand, and we head back toward the car.
“What about the glider?”
“Someone will take care of that?”  he says dismissively. “We’ll eat now.” His tone is unequivocal.
Food! He’s talking food, when really all I want is him.
“Come.” He smiles.
I have never seen him like this, and it’s a joy to behold. I find myself walking beside him, hand in hand, with a stupid, goofy grin plastered on my face. It reminds me of when I was ten and spending the day in Disneyland with Mark. It was a perfect day, and this is sure shaping out to be the same.
Back in the car, as we head back along the road towards the hotel, my phone alarm goes off. Oh yes… my pill.
“What’s that?” Harry asks, curious, glancing at me.
I fumble in my bag for the packet.
“Alarm for my pill,” I mutter as my cheeks flush.
His lips quirk up.
“Good, well done.”
I flush some more. He’s as patronizing as ever.
“I like that you introduced me to Mark as your boyfriend,” I murmur.
“Isn’t that what you are?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Am I? I thought you wanted a submissive.”
“So did I, Louis, and I do. But I’ve told you, I want more, too.”
Oh my. He’s coming round, and hope surges through me, leaving me breathless.
“I’m very happy that you want more,” I whisper.
“We aim to please, Mr Tomlinson.” He smirks as we pull into the International House of Pancakes.
“IHOP.” I grin back at him. I don’t believe it. Who would have thought…? Harry Styles at IHOP.
Its 8:30 a.m. but quiet in the restaurant. It smells of sweet batter, fried food, and disinfec­tant. Hmm… not such an enticing aroma. Harry leads me to a booth.
“I would never have pictured you here,” I say as we slide into a booth.
“My dad used to bring us to one of these whenever my mum went away at a medical conference. It was our secret.” He smiles at me, green eyes dancing, and then picks up a menu, running a hand through his curly hair as he stares down at it.
Oh, I want to run my hands through that hair. I pick up a menu and examine it. I real­ize I’m starving.
“I know what I want,” he breathes, his voice low and husky.
I glance up at him, and he’s staring at me in that way that tightens all the muscles in my belly and takes my breath away, his eyes dark and smouldering. Holy shit. I gaze at him, my blood singing in my veins answering his call.
“I want what you want,” I whisper.
He inhales sharply.
“Here?” he asks suggestively, raising an eyebrow at me, smiling wickedly, his teeth trapping the tip of his tongue.
Oh my… sex in IHOP. His expression changes, growing darker.
“Don’t bite your lip,” he orders. “Not here, not now.” His eyes harden momentarily, and for a moment, he looks so deliciously dangerous. “If I can’t have you here, don’t tempt me.”
“Hi, My name’s Leandra, What can I get for you… err… folks… err… today, this morning…?” Her voice trails off, stumbling over her words as she gets an eye full of Mr Beautiful opposite me. She flushes scarlet and a small ounce of sympathy for her bubbles
unwelcome into my consciousness because he still does that to me. Her presence allows me to escape briefly from his sensual glare.
“Louis?” he prompts me, ignoring her, and I don’t think anyone could squeeze as much carnality into my name as he does at that moment.
I swallow, praying that I don’t go the same colour as poor Leandra.
“I told you, I want what you want.” I keep my voice soft, low, and he looks at me hun­grily. Jeez, my inner goddess swoons. Am I up to this game?
Leandra looks from me to him and back again. She’s practically the same colour as her shiny red hair.
“Shall I give you folks another minute to decide?”
“No. We know what we want.” Harry’s mouth twitches with a small, sexy smile.
“We’ll have two portions of the original buttermilk pancakes with maple syrup and bacon on the side, two glasses of orange juice, one black coffee with skim milk, and one English breakfast tea, if you have it,” says Harry, not taking his eyes off me.
“Thank you sir. Will that be all?” Leandra whispers, looking anywhere but at the two of us. We both turn to stare at her, and she flushes crimson again and scuttles away.
“You know it’s really not fair.” I glance down at the Formica tabletop, tracing a pattern in it with my index finger, trying to sound nonchalant.
“What’s not fair?”
“How you disarm people. Women. Men. Me.”
“Do I disarm you?”
I snort.
“All the time.”
“It’s just looks, Louis,” he says mildly.
“No, Harry, it’s much more than that.”
His brow creases.
“You disarm me totally, Mr Tomlinson. Your innocence. It cuts through all the crap.”
“Is that why you’ve changed your mind?”
“Changed my mind?”
“Yes – about … err… us?”
He strokes his chin thoughtfully with his long, skilled fingers.
“I don’t think I’ve changed my mind per se. We just need to re-define our parameters, re-draw our battle lines, if you will. We can make this work, I’m sure. I want you submis­sive in my playroom. I will punish you if you digress from the rules. Other than that… well, I think it’s all up for discussion. Those are my requirements, Mr Tomlinson. What do you say to that?”
“So I get to sleep with you? In your bed?”
“Is that what you want?”
“I agree then. Besides, I sleep very well when you’re in my bed. I had no idea.” His brow creases as his voice fades.
“I was frightened you’d leave me if I didn’t agree to all of it,” I whisper.
“I’m not going anywhere, Louis. Besides… ” He trails off, and after some thought, he adds. “We’re following your advice, your definition: compromise. You emailed it to me. And so far, it’s working for me.”
“I love that you want more,” I murmur shyly.
“I know.”
“How do you know?”
“Trust me. I just do.” He smirks at me. He’s hiding something. What?
At that moment, Leandra arrives with breakfast and our conversation ceases. My stomach rumbles, reminding me how ravenous I am. Harry watches with annoying ap­proval as I devour everything on my plate.
“Can I treat you?” I ask Harry.
“Treat me how?”
“Pay for this meal.”
Harry snorts.
“I don’t think so.” he scoffs.
“Please. I want to.”
He frowns at me.
“Are you trying to completely emasculate me?”
“This is probably the only place that I’ll be able to afford to pay.”
“Louis, I appreciate the thought. I do. But no.”
I purse my lips.
“Don’t scowl,” he threatens, his eyes glinting ominously.
Of course he doesn’t ask me for my mother’s address. He knows it already, stalker that he is. When he pulls up outside the house, I don’t comment. What’s the point?
“Do you want to come in?” I ask shyly.
“I need to work, Louis, but I’ll be back this evening. What time?”
I ignore the unwelcome stab of disappointment. Why do I want to spend every single minute with this controlling sex god? Oh yes, I’ve fallen in love with him, and he can fly.
“Thank you… for the more.”
“My pleasure, Louis.” He kisses me, and I inhale his sexy Harry smell.
“I’ll see you later.”
“Try and stop me,” he whispers.
I wave goodbye as he drives off into the Doncaster sunshine. I’m still wearing his sweat­shirt and his underwear, and I’m too warm.
In the kitchen, my mum is in a complete flap. It’s not every day she has to entertain a multi-zillionaire, and it’s stressing her out.
“How are you, darling?” she asks, and I flush because she must know what I was doing last night.
“I’m good. Harry took me gliding this morning.” I hope the new information will distract her.
“Gliding? As in a small plane with no engine? That sort of gliding?”
I nod.
She’s speechless – a novel concept for my mother. She gapes at me, but eventually recovers herself and resumes her original line of questioning.
“How was last night? Did you talk?”
Jeez. I flush bright scarlet.
“We talked – last night and today. It’s getting better.”
“Good.” She turns her attention back to the four cookery books she has opened on the kitchen table.
“Mum… if you like, I’ll cook this evening.”
“Oh, honey, that’s kind of you, but I want to do it.”
“Okay.” I grimace; knowing full well that my mother’s cooking is pretty hit or miss. Perhaps she’s improved since she moved to Doncaster with Dan. There was a time I wouldn’t subject anyone to her cooking… even – who do I hate? Oh yes – Mr Payne– Liam. Well, maybe him. Will I ever meet this damned man?
I decide to send a quick thank-you to Harry.
From: Louis Tomlinson
Subject: Soaring as opposed to sore-ing
Date: June 2 2013 10:20
To: Harry Styles
Sometimes, you really know how to show a guy a good time.
Thank you
Lou x
From: Harry Styles
Subject: Soaring vs sore-ing
Date: June 2 2013 10:24
To: Louis Tomlinson
I’ll take either of those over your snoring. I had a good time too. But I always do when I’m with you.
Harry Styles
CEO, Styles Enterprises Holdings Inc.
From: Louis Tomlinson
Subject: SNORING
Date: June 2 2013 10:26
To: Harry Styles
I DO NOT SNORE. And if I do, it’s very ungallant of you to point it out.
You are no gentleman Mr Styles! And you are in the Deep South too!
From: Harry Styles
Subject: Somniloquy
Date: June 2 2013 10:28
To: Louis Tomlinson
I have never claimed to be a gentleman, Louis, and I think I have demonstrated that point to you on numerous occasions. I am not intimidated by your SHOUTY capitals. But I will confess to a small white lie: No – you don’t snore, but you do talk. And it’s fascinating.
What happened to my kiss?
Harry Styles
Cad & CEO, Styles Enterprises Holdings Inc.
Holy shit. I know I talk in my sleep. Zayn has told me enough times. What the hell have I said? Oh no.
From: Louis Tomlinson
Subject: Spill the Beans
Date: June 2 2013 10:32

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