Chapter 1

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"Hey, come on wake up you have a new task for you" My Mother says as he removes my blanket from my body

"New task... again? what time is it..?" Turning my head over towards the clock I let out a frustrated sigh "6 in the morning, are you kidding me Mom?"

"Pack your things, your leaving for Hogwarts today" My Mother says as she leaves a gentle kiss on my forehead, she then gets off of my bed and exits the room closing the door

"Oh great, super thrilled!" I holler sarcastically

For many years now I've had the choice of attending Hogwarts, I've always declined the offer due to me being busy helping my Father and Mother with their work . My family is quite complicated, our job is to seek out information about Death Eaters.. find them and well.. kill them, simple.

Today was an odd day for me considering my Mother had told me they found suspicion that there might be a possible Death Eater at Hogwarts, I've never actually.. killed anyone before but I have whiteness death and it doesn't scare me, oddly I find satisfaction in knowing evil people have been taken down and the world will be a safer place with them gone.

My parents have always told me Death Eaters are terrible people, never give them sympathy.. never help them and well.. never fall in love with one. Not that I plan on falling in love anyways, I believe love is fake and is just a chemical reaction happening inside your brain.

I'll admit going to a new place such as Hogwarts makes me feel some type of way, a worried way. I'm going to end up being the "new girl" which doesn't sound as good as it may seem, normally new girls tend to get picked on by others and knowing me I am very hard headed and I can seem like an utter bitch towards people, considering I am a pure-blood also helps.

I'd consider myself to be a very independent type of girl, considering I've been training on how to fight and take people down I would see myself as a strong type of person, emotionally and physically, I've always been told to do things and I get them done, a job is a job when your life depends on it. Considering I've been doing this since I was around the age of 12 and now I'm 17.. I've been doing this for a while

Once everything is packed up I meet my Mother and Father downstairs and they both smile at me, I let out a frustrated sigh I open my suitcase. My suitcase has a few "hidden" spots in it where I keep my supplies such as Knives. Before you ask me "Is she going to kill people!" No, I don't murder innocent people, I hunt down Death Eaters and I murder them. Consider me as an Assassin.

"Figure out what's going on with the death eaters, remember the rules. If you find a death eater what do you do?" My father says as he places his arm on my shoulder, I tilt my head to the side looking up at him and I roll my eyes "Kill them"

"Do not give out your identity to ANYONE Scarlett, the teachers are aware that your name is Kendra, Kendra Holmes" My Mother says placing her hand on my other shoulder, I tilt my head to the side now looking up at her "Seriously, Kendra Holmes."

"Kendra Holmes" My mother says, she leaves a kiss on my cheek and I end up smiling a bit, I enjoy the name Kendra but I wish I could just have people call me by my regular name. Scarlett Rome, Usually I would just go by "Scar" or at least that's what my parents used to call me before they began giving me all these random names I had to play along with.

"We already have had your house decided, you will be a Slytherin. Once you are on the train and you arrive at Hogwarts figure out where the Slytherin Common rooms." My father says kissing the other side of my cheek

"Kendra Holmes, Slytherin." I say smirking to myself, it sounds pretty nice to me

Picking up my Suitcase I close it over and I swing it over my shoulder, I give both my parents a hug. I'm unsure of when I'll be able to see them again, hopefully once I complete my task and figure out what's going on with these damn Death Eaters. Hell I'd be excited if I was able to catch one, if there is one in Hogwarts which I doubt there would be. Nobody is fit enough to be a Death Eater in that place.

After very long and tiring time I arrive at the train station, I look around taking it all in and a smile appears on my face. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all? Shortly after I had thought that somebody ends up running into my shoulder causing me to drop my suitcase and I let gasp

"Can you watch where your going you fucking asshole!" Reaching down I pick up my suitcase and as I look up I see a quite attractive boy and I quickly stop myself from blushing

"I'm- I'm sorry about that are you alright?" The boy says

"Do that again and I'll break your arm in half, now where's the train for Hogwarts" I say scoffing

"Your heading to Hogwarts? Strange I've never seen you before. I'm Harry, Harry Potter" He says holding his hand out for me to shake

Harry Potter... I've head things about him before not much though, I reach my hand out shaking his and he smiles at me

"I'm sca— I mean I'm Kendra, Kendra Holmes and I'm actually the new student attending Hogwarts" Good going Scarlett, almost gave away your fucking name and it's not even your first day yet

"I'm sorry for running into, truly sorry actually. The Hogwarts train will be arriving shortly just follow me" He says as he turns his back to me and begins walking,

I quickly walk behind him scared I'll loose him and end up looking like a lost puppy and I can already tell today isn't my day, hopefully the train ride won't be a complete hell hole? Normally things don't always go the way I want them to go though, I am not ready to begin year 6th at hogwarts.. that's for sure.

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