Chapter 2

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Getting on the train I look around at the other students, I get some confused looks from both the boys and girls but I just scowl at them.

"Would you like to sit with me and my friends? I'm sure they'd love to get to know you especially Hermione" Harry says turning around smiling. This could give me the opportunity to meet new people and gain information, "Yes I'd love to" I say smiling

He sits down on one of the compartment seats and I sit down in front of him looking out the window, As we are waiting for his friends a lady comes by with treats and I gladly take one.

"Watch out with those, the chocolate frogs can sometimes tend to.. jump" Harry says. I look at him with a confused expression "I've never heard that one before" I say as I look down at the box

Suddenly two people enter the compartment causing me to jump slightly and they both are yelling "Hi Harry!" The boy says, "Harry! So good to see you" The girl says, I'd be lying if I said the girl wasn't attractive.. "Mind if I hate that?" The boy says grabbing my Chocolate frog box from me

I look at him with shock that he had the balls to grab that for me, I wasn't paying attention so that was my fault but I need to make a good a good impression so I allow him to have it. He sits down beside me eating it like an animal and I look at him disgusted.

"And who might you be?" The girl says, I couldn't tell if her tone was rude or kind.. "I'm Kendra Holmes. New student attending Hogwarts" I say giving her a smile

"Bloody hell! New student, I already ate your chocolate frog I'm sorry.. I'll buy you a new one" The boy says

"Ron tends to eat everything.." Harry says letting out a sigh, The girl takes a seat next to Harry and she holds her hand out for me to shake. "Hermione Granger, pleased to meet you!" Hermione says in a happy tone

"Pleased to meet you as well" giving her my hand to shake she lets out a giggle. "I'm Ron Weasley" Ron says shoving the rest of the chocolate frog into his mouth. I let go of Hermione hand and I place my hands on the window as I gasp seeing everything go by

"What house are you in?" Hermione says. I take my hands off the window like a complete child, "Slytherin" I say

"Bloody hell, Draco's going to have a go at this one" Ron says letting out a chuckle. "Ron Weasley shut your mouth before I shove another frog in it" Hermione says pointing her finger at him

"Whose Draco Malfoy?" I say curiously. "Very bad person" Harry, Ron and Hermione all say at the same time.

"He calls me Mudblood.." Hermione says with a sad tone in her voice, she looks down at the ground for a second and Harry looks at her and lets out a sigh "He's the school bully, I wouldn't go near him. Best you stay away at all times. He's bad news.. there's something about him I don't like." Harry says looking at me concerned

"Noted" I say smiling. Ron ends up looking at me and I turn to the side, "Yes?" I say confused

"Do you have any more chocolate frogs.." Ron says, "No Ron, I don't have anymore damn frogs, does it look like I have any?" I say

"How come you decided to just now come to Hogwarts, it's the 6th year?" Harry says concerned. I take a moment to think of a story.. "Family problems.. best if we not talk about it" I mumble. It was best I can come up with, it's true though. I was always helping my parents with finding Death Eaters and I didn't have time to come to school. Even now I'm not really here to "learn" I'm here to kill.

"Understood, sorry." Harry says

"What houses are you guys in?" I say curiously

"Gryffindor" They all say looking at me, well that's wonderful.. even my new friends aren't in the same house as me and I'm all alone how lovely.

"Don't worry though, you can still come to us if you need anything" Harry says. "Hermione is good at studying and all that brain stuff" Ron says letting out a small chuckle.

"It's because I actually want to be in this place.. Ron" Hermione says narrowing her eyes at him, "Bookworm" Ron says quietly

They seem quite nice, they definitely don't give me Death Eater vibes but now I'm quite interested in finding this "Draco Malfoy" person even though Harry told me to stay away from him, I don't listen to people all the time.

"Hogwarts is quite big so if you need help finding your way around I'm here" Harry says, "Now that you've mentioned it I will be needing help finding the Slytherin rooms" I say

"You will also need to find your classes, what's your first class?" Hermione says. First class, I didn't know I had to actually.. go to classes? Sure I have a schedule but my job is to find information about Death Eaters.

"I have Potions first and that's.. all I know" I say shyly, I felt a bit embarrassed at the fact I have absolutely no clue what I'm getting myself into here at Hogwarts.

"Harry and I have potions first as well, classes don't start until tomorrow so I'll come by your dorm and get you, then we can speak to the teacher about the rest of your classes!" Hermione says in an excited way

"Bloody hell, why are you excited about classes?" Ron says, "They are fun Ron, maybe if you payed attention you would understand" Hermione says snapping at him

"Don't listen to her Kendra, the classes aren't fun" Ron says nudging me in my elbow, "They are pretty fun actually Ken, don't worry" Harry says.

"Just how exactly are classes fun? I nearly lit my hair on fire by doing a bloody spell!" Ron says, "That's because your said the spell wrong, pay attention in class and maybe you could get the spell right" Hermione says smirking

"We're almost there, shouldn't be too long now" Harry says turning his head to the side and looking out the window.

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