Chapter 7- the past (2)

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The next day
Mama and papa said that they have decided that both me and Nio will spend one week with mama and one week with papa so that we can completely decide who we want to live with. I was going to spend the first week with mama while Nio spent it with papa and vice versa for week 2. I was packing my clothes to live with mama. Even the thought of living with her for a week with no papa or Nio to save me, terrified me.

"You'll be okay, Ria. Call me everyday. No call me 5 times a day. Better if you call me every one hour. And tell me if mama ever hurts you and I'll ask papa to come get you. Okay? Promise me Ria." He rambled on, clearly not liking the idea of me living with mama without anyone else with me.

"Nio calm down. I'll be safe. Even if she is scary she won't really hurt me cause she is our mother" Right? "And I promise I'll call you as often as I can. I'll miss you so much even if it's just for a week." I told him in a soft tone.

I was outside the house next to the car, waiting for everyone to come outside. As soon as papa came out I ran up to him to hug him. He chuckled as I jumped on top of him as he picked me up and kissed my forehead.

"I want a hug too" Nio said with a playful pout.

"Aww. My brother will miss me. Don't worry brother, I'll miss you too." I hugged him tightly after teasing him a little.

"Urgh. All this sappy drama is going to make me vomit. Can we go now? I want to get this over with." Mama grumbled and with one last hug to papa and Nio I sat in the car waiting for mama to sit and drive. Outside the car, I heard mama and papa talking.

"If you hurt her in anyway, I will not hesitate before filing a case against you and sending you to prison for years. You know the power I have and I will easily win the case." Papa warned mama

"You act like she is only your daughter. I am her mother and I know how to take care of her" with that mama sat in the car and drove to her apartment.

During the week, mama would get drunk and slap me everyday. She told me that if I told papa or Nio, she will make me pay. I didn't understand why mama was doing this.

When the end of the week came I was relieved to get back home but I was also scared. I was scared that Nio will have to spend a week with mama and that she will hurt him too. I'd much rather spend my whole life with her than get Nio hurt by her for even a week.

That's why I tried to prevent him getting hurt.
I went up to mama when she wasn't drunk to ask her to not hurt Nio.

"Mama. Can you please not hurt Nio when he lives with you. I'll do anything you want me to do" I begged her

"Oh you will do anything to keep your brother safe won't you?" She put her hands under her chin with her elbows on the table. I nodded weakly

"Okay then. I won't 'hurt' Nio. But he can't be safe for nothing now can he? That would be absolutely no fun. I am going to show you something" she passed me a paper. I read it and felt the floor slip from under my feet. It was legal document saying two things.  Firstly that mama gets to have over 75% of papa's property.

Secondly, either me or Nio had to live with mama. It wasn't legally okay for both of us to live with papa.
I understood exactly what she wanted me to do and I had no choice but to do exactly that.

"I tricked your stupid father into signing this paper. He doesn't even know that I am going to take his property and his beloved child from him" she said it so cheerfully that I can't help but look at her with pure disgust.

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