Chapter 12- first day of school

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Today is my first day of new school. Hopefully, I won't get bullied this time. I was really getting nervous so I decided to call Mark because I knew that only he can calm me down.

"Ariannnaaaaa. I misssss youuu" he dragged along and I chuckled at his extra dramatic act.

"I miss you too Mark. When are you coming to visit? Better, when are you going to move here?" I asked with a hopeful tone.

"Ari. Please don't be sad" he said with a very upsetting tone which left me confused and scared for what happened.

"What's wrong Mark? Is Matty ok?" I asked worriedly.

"Matts okay Ari. Its just that...."

"Spit it out Mark"

"We wont be shifting to Arizona Arianna"

"What? why?"

"Matt didn't get a job in Arizona. He can't leave Utah meaning we can't move. But we are coming to visit tomorrow after school time. Please don't be upset" he said sadly

"Its okay Mark. You can't leave everything for me. I love you so much and I miss you. But you will be visiting tomorrow so I'm happy for that. You and Matt are both coming right?"

"Yep" he replied popping the 'p'.

"Yay. My annoying ass best friend/ brother and my somewhat smart and calm brother are going to visit me" I said in a playful tone.

"Hey. Matt's not that annoying. He is somewhat okay. And I know I'm very smart and calm." He said in a very sarcastically calm voice

"Yeah yeah. I know Matt's really smart, my annoying ass best friend"

"You know I'm offended that you chose Matt over me" he had a faked hurt tone

"Anyyways, I am going to the new school here today"

"You'll be fine. You will not be bullied, you will have a good friend that you will make at school and Tony. It will be amazing. Just don't replace me with a new best friend" he calmed me down by just showing me that he already knew about my worries before I ever told him.

"Eh. I'll think about it. See you tomorrow. Love you. Bye" I hung up before he protested with a huge smile on my face. Mark and Matt, both always know how to make me smile.

I walked to my school as Tony refused to drop me there. I took a deep breath as I reached the school. I took some slow dramatic steps as I approached the front desk.

"Good morning. How can I hell you?" A kind lady on her late 40s asked me nicely.

"Good morning ma'am. I'm here to collect my timetable and other things. My name is Adrianna Jones but you can call me Anna." I smiled at her

"Well Anna. Welcome to Arizona high. My name is Martha. Here is your stuff. I hope you have a good time here. You can always come to the front desk if you ever need anything from me. " she handed me my timetable. 

I looked through it while walking towards where she instructed me my locker was.
I had Math first. Nice.

"Anna? What are you doing here" I heard a loud voice and then heard footsteps coming from behind my back.

"Hey Alyssa. I just started here. First day of school."

"We are both in the same school. This is going to be so much fun" she squealed with happiness.

I went to my class which I luckily shared with Aly. Actually, I shared most of my classes with her and I didn't have Tony in any of them before lunch. I hope I don't have to see him today. I mean, I love him but I don't want to have to pretend that I don't know him. That would be much worse than any torture I've endured in the past.

I walked to the cafeteria and sat with Alyssa. We started to talk about random things. She was telling me about the 'popular group' when she suddenly stopped talking and stared behind me.

"Hey Anna" I heard a voice behind me

"Hey Caleb. What's up?" I asked casually and bit my burger

"Nothing special. Why don't you sit with me and Tony?" I stiffened at the mention of my twin but then tried to act normal.

"No I think I'm okay. I wouldn't want to leave Alyssa alone."

"I think she will be fine by sitting with us too. Right Alyssa?" He gave her his normal smile which girls found charming for some reason and she just nodded without even understanding the question. She was staring as if she has seen a ghost.

"Okay" I sighed and stood up. We walked to the table where Tony was already sitting with a dyed blond practically on top of him.

"Hey guys. This is Anna. She is actually..."

"His childhood friend" I said cutting him off. He looked towards me as if asking me what that was about. I looked at him pleadingly and I think he understood because he decided to drop the subject.

"Yeah, We've known each other since we were 5 years old. Anna this is Brittany, Tony's girlfriend" he pointed towards the girl with dyed blond hair sitting next to Tony.

"Hi" I said to her and she just waved her hand towards me and gave me an extra sweet smile while her eyes were telling a whole different story.

He pointed to a blue-eyed boy and introduced him as Jacob, a boy with dark eyes called Lewis, a boy named Garry and a boy called Josh. I said hello to all of them and they all just smirked except Lewis who gave us a genuine smile and Josh who kept staring at me which made me quiet uncomfortable.

"Lastly this is Tony" I smiled at him to which I was returned by a nod.

I sat down next to Caleb and Aly was sitting next to me. We continued our lunch and I tried to look at Tony a few times and every time I was granted by a glare from Brittany directly aimed at me. Through the whole of lunch break Tony completely ignored me which left me confused and annoyed.

I again walked back home at the end of the day to be greeted by a surprise....

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