Chapter 10: Destination Newport

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A/N: Thank you, thank you to all the people reading my story!! I'm sorry if you think this chapter's kind of boring ... ehh anyway, enjoy! :D

I scurried about my room to see if there was something I had missed. You never know if something important like your cell is hiding under your bed! There wasn’t anything I could see so, satisfied, I zipped up my two suitcases. I linked my new Marc Jacobs tote bag with my suitcases by the handle and dragged them downstairs. It took me a while with me being small and everything but I managed.

This afternoon we were leaving with Steve to stay with Henry’s parents for about a week. April was coming too, but she was taking her own car there and was arriving a little late. Apparently, it was the senior Mr Parker’s birthday in a few days and there was going to be a fancy dinner. Truthfully, it was terrifying for me to meet Henry’s dad. April had said he didn’t care about Henry or April so that meant he wouldn’t care about me. I was pretty sure my theory would prove right.

I sighed inwardly and looked down at my luggage. Henry’s bags weren’t there yet. I frowned and checked the time on my thin watch. Steve would be here in an hour. Taking the stairs two at a time, I barged into Henry’s room.

He was laying back on his silk silver pillows on his king sized bed. “Hey pancake, care to join?” Henry asked, patting a spot next to him. I rolled my eyes and then realised something.

“You haven’t even packed yet!” His luggage bag was open and no clothes were in there at all. The clothes were strewn everywhere on the soft carpet instead. What had he been doing for four days?!

“So?” Henry questioned, scowling a little.

So, Steve will be here in less than an hour!”

Henry rolled his eyes and casually waved a hand at the mess on the floor. “You can pack it then Miss Nagging.”

“I do not nag,” I cried, crossing my arms at the same time.

“Sure you don’t. Now hurry up and pack for me, pancake!”

I snorted. “I’m not your slave; I’m your fiancée in case you’re forgetting.”

“I’m pretty sure my fiancée would be willing to pack for me.” Henry crookedly smiled at me. Seeing my glare, he sighed. “Fine, I’ll help you if you help me.”

I stared at him with wide eyes. He was going to help?! I swear, this guy had mood swings. One minute he would be calling me a pancake, the next he’d actually help me out. I nodded cautiously at him. “Ok, where do I start?”

“Well you can go through my underwear drawer and pick out anything you want,” Henry joked.

I stuck my tongue out at him. “I’ll pack your shirts for you and that’s it.”

Henry snickered and led me through his very spacious walk in closet. It was twice as big as mine and looked like a mini mall or a super large luxurious dressing room. Henry pointed to a wall which was a large mirror. “My shirts are in there. Grab sexy ones, will you?” He winked at me.

“Ok Mr Bossy Pants!”

I spent the next fifteen minutes picking out random shirts from the large mirror closet (I know, I’m so fast right?) and cracked up into fits of giggles when I found the type of shirt Elvis Presley would wear. It was a very low V neck, (which would display probably half of Henry’s chest if he wore it, I might add), white, collared, long sleeved and glittery. I decided to bring that one too. Henrydid say he wanted ‘sexy’.

Fake FiancéeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora