Chapter 28: Showdowns

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I’m still thinking about it. I admit, I’m pretty paranoid of what happened behind that trailer. What if whatever had been exchanged was deadly important? Could it break us apart? Could it ruin Henry?

I pursed my lips as I watched Henry act out a scene with Keith. Although he hated Keith, he had put it aside to act. A smile grew on my face as I realised something. Henry really loved acting.

I had just assumed he acted for the sake of it, or for the money and the girls. I know it’s judgemental and I really regretted thinking that, but it seemed like he had never really cared. For example, Henry hadn’t really chosen to take part in this film. Steve had pushed him to do it.

To see him actually acting was truly something else. This made me realise that Veronica and the media really needed to go down. I then vowed to myself that whatever happens, I will still make sure Henry will be able to act. Henry seemed to be always protecting me and now I would do the protecting. I would make sure Henry’s reputation won’t be stained … somehow. We’ll just have to wait to see what happens.

As I sat there absentmindedly watching Henry, I felt someone sit next to me. I turned and I found Natasha smiling softly at me in a grey business suit with her blonde hair straightened and pulled back in a high ponytail. Clara came next with her with a ruffled appearance. I guessed this was what they were going to wear in their next scene.

“Hey Lainie!” They both chirped.

I smiled back at them. “Hey yourselves.”

“How have you been? I haven’t talked to you in ages!” Natasha exclaimed.

“I’m good thanks,” I replied.

She then gave me a sly grin and nodded over to Henry’s direction, making my insides squirm. Was she going to interrogate me on our relationship? “So … Henry seems to be quite romantic with you.”

Hey, what do you know? I got it right. Under both Natasha and Clara’s scrutiny, I ended up blushing. Ugh, I hated the side effects of being in love with someone. Stupid cheeks.

“Yeah. We just had a little misunderstanding before but now we’re alright,” I explained carefully.

“Oh! That’s great Lainie!” Natasha squealed, jumping up and down on her seat. “How is he making it up to you?”

I thought for a moment, and then came up with something. “Well, he’s taking me out …”

“How romantic.”

You’d expect that to come from Natasha or Clara, except it came from someone behind us, accompanied with a sarcastic tone. Veronica was staring down at us and standing with her a hand on her hip. I clenched my fist and felt like spitting at her. She really thought she was ‘all that.’

“Jealous?” I shot back. I think after following her and finding out she was up to something made me more bitter towards her. “I’m sure you don’t have a romantic life, what with trying to break my engagement with Henry and taking him for yourself.”

“It’s not like you deserve him, you whore!” Veronica hissed. “There’s only one obvious way in which you got Henry.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Natasha watching us with eyes as wide as saucers, and slowly backing away. Clara meanwhile, looked torn between choosing whether to break up our verbal fight herself or to go and get help.

“Well, I have news for you! You don’t deserve him either!”

Veronica’s eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. Before I knew it, she reached forward with blinding speed and slapped my precious cheek. Oh she was going to get it.

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