Chapter 28: Moving On

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Colby stares at Sam and I from across the room. He waited until I was out of the hospital to have a 'chat' with us. I'm not sure what to tell him. And Sam, who told me he loves me. I'm not sure what to do. On one end, I want to be happy and I want to be with Sam. On the other end, I realize how bad the situation is and I know it'll be less complicated if I subsided my feelings. I love Colby, I'll always love Colby. He's Lana's father, he's the one I should be with. It didn't work out that way. Instead, I'm stuck in a love triangle with him and his best friend. Sam is the worse possible person to have feelings for right now.

"So you two?" He points between us.

"We weren't going to tell you for a while." I say quietly.

He nods his head, his chin resting in his hands that are propped by his thighs.

"Colby, I just want to say-" Sam starts but Colby cuts him off with his hand.

"So my best friend, the girl who's having my baby, who I openly say I am in love with, by the way," my heart drops, "Went behind my back, starting dating and decided it would be cool to betray me."

I glance at Sam, a frown on both of our faces. "I'm sorry, Colby." I whisper.

"No you're not." He rolls his eyes. "I just don't get it. What did I do wrong? What does he have that I don't have?" His eyes water, the sight making me choke up tears also.

"You weren't here, Colby. She's not stupid. She knows what you've been doing. She deserves better, and I was the better. That's a fact." Sam says harshly.

"Sam, calm down," I tell him, our eyes meet and my hands rests on his.

"So you're saying I don't deserve her? Or my daughter? Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just a deadbeat who should of never tried to give Katelyn the support she needs. You're an idiot, Sam." He stands up from his seat, "What do you think going to happen now? You're just going to step up and take my spot? It's not happening. You'll never be as important as I am. You'll never be her father. Katelyn will never love you like she loves me."

"Colby!" I yell. Sam gets up, pushing pass Colby as he walks out the front door, slamming it.

I got up quickly, following Sam, Colby staying back.

I walk quickly after Sam, in hopes of catching him before he gets to his car.

"Sam!" I yell as he opens his door.

"He's right, Katelyn. I can't. I should of never told you how I felt. I should of never screwed with your emotions like that. I'm sorry." He gets in his car, driving off quickly.

Tears start to pour down my face as I begin to cry. I grab my head, pushing my hair back as I try to breathe.

I should of known this would happen. I turn around and walk into the house, Colby is still in the living room.


"No! You do not get to play that with me. I was happy, Colby. For the first time in months. I was moving on from you. You gave up on me as soon as you slept with the other girl. You ruined us. Not me, you. So no, you don't get to call my name like you're sorry. I'm done. I'm done with this shit, Colby." My teeth grit as I vent to him.

His face softens and he nods his head. I turn away from him, leaving him alone as I walk up the stairs.

I can't stay here with him. I can't let myself be stressed. I'm supposed to be on bed rest and instead, I'm fighting with the one person who is supposed to make sure I'm okay. I can't handle it.

I grab my phone off my bed, going to Ethan's name. I wipe my tears and press the call button, brining it to my ear.

"Hey," he chirps on the other end.

"H-Hey," I sniffle.

"What's wrong? Do you need something?" Ethan asks me quickly.

"Um, I just got into a really big fight with Colby and I can't stay here. I-I feel really-"

"I'm coming. You can stay with me until you're comfortable again, okay? Pack everything you can. I promise I'll take care of you." I can feel the anger in his voice.

"Ethan I don't want to barge in on your life. You just moved out with your friends and it would be-"

"No, I'm not letting you stay there. You need to be somewhere you can relax. You're not even supposed to be up and going places. Staying around Colby will just make everything worse." He pauses, "I'm getting in my car now. I'll be there in 15."

"Ethan-" I hiccup, "Thank you. I love you." I tell him, my heart slowing down.

"I love you too." He hangs up.

I open my closet, getting my suitcase and duffle bag out. I place them on my bed, grabbing my laptop and chargers first. I feel Lana kick and smile to myself. Ethan's right, if I stay here I'm putting myself and her at risk.

I begin to pack my clothes, folding them as small as possible. I pack my essentials that I have in my room. I keep all my clothes in the suitcase and keep the duffle for my shoes and other items.

I go into my closet again, getting out a smaller overnight bag. I walk into the hallway, Colby standing next to my door. I ignore him and walk into the bathroom, packing everything I have in there also.

"What are you doing?" He asks me. I glance at him but don't say anything.

I open my drawer, grabbing all my skincare and lotions.

"Katelyn?" He asks again.

I push past him when I finish, shutting my bedroom door in his face.

He knocks, calling my name again. I breathe in and out deeply, trying to keep my emotions under control. Lana continues to roll around, I can feel her arms and legs moving slowly.

"You're gonna give me a tummy ache." I laugh to her.

My phone dings, Ethan texting to say he's here.

'Come up, second door on the left of the hallway. Colby is standing outside of it but just ignore.' I text back.

I finish zipping all my bag, putting the overnight bag on my shoulder.

I hear the front door shut, followed by loud footsteps up the stairs.

"What's your problem, man?" I hear Ethan say. I roll my eyes, of course he's going to make a scene.

I can hear Colby's mumbled voice through the door, but can't make out what he's saying.

The door opens and Ethan walks in, followed by Colby.

"Katelyn don't leave." Colby says, "What are we going to do when she gets here? She can't live in a fucking frat house with a bunch of men." He argues.

I grab my phone and slip it into my pocket.

"What else am I supposed to do? Sit here for the next few weeks, your parents and you waiting on me every second of the day? Face it, I'm just a burden on all of you." I walk past him, following Ethan, who is now carrying my things. "All of her things are here. We're almost done with her nursery."

"I don't know whats going to happen, Colby." I tell him, "But I know I can't stay here. It's not just about me. I can kill her. I need to be somewhere I'm comfortable at."

He nods his head, shutting his mouth.

I pause at the front door, keeping my hand on the knob as I look at him, "I'm sorry, I really am. I can text you updates and I'll make sure you know I'm okay. But please just stay away from me." His eyebrows furrow and I shut the door. Ethan rubs my back as we walk to his car.

"It'll be okay." He reassures me as I get in.

"I know." I nod.

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