Chapter 31: 37 Weeks

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Laughing, smiling, happiness, all is gone. I feel like a whale. A week ago I still had emotion, now I'm just empty - actually, I'm not empty, I'm fat. I am extremely fat.

I groan as I feel Lana kicking my ribs. She is head down and ready to come out. We're hoping she will stay in a little longer but it's doubtful.

Colby and I both have been nesting like crazy. He had the boys come over and help him out together the last few essentials like the stroller and dresser. They have been making bets on when I'll go into labor, of course. I can't tell you either, it's just a waiting game at this point.

"We should play classical music beside your belly so the baby can hear it. They say it makes them smarter." Colby walks into my room while looking down at a book. It's a parenting book that his mom gave us a few weeks ago. Not sure who's going to tell them that the internet is a way easier way to educate yourself on a child.

"I think she'll be pretty smart without it." I laugh at him.

"Yeah I guess, depends on who her brains take after." He shrugs. "Hopefully it'll be mine." He laughs.

I open my mouth wide and gasp, "rude!"

I lean up to get the book from his hands when a contraction flows through my body. I clench my teeth as my eyebrows furrow. I take a deep breath when it's over.

"You okay?" He rubs my leg.

"Yeah, it's just a contraction." I tell him.

"A contraction?! How long apart are they? Has your water broke? Do we need-"

"Colby, calm the fuck down. It's just the Braxton Hicks." I tell him with an annoyed look.

"Are you sure? They said it could be any day." He asks me again.

"Yes, I'm sure. Now help me get him so I can pee." I put my hands up for him to grab. I pull myself off the bed and hear a pop before I feel a gush of a thick liquid going down my leg. My eyes widen and I look at Colby.

"Is that what-"

"Go get the hospital bag!" I tell him quickly. I start to panic and sit back down on the bed. I pull my pants off and throw them on the floor. The carpet beside me is soaked. I start to cry as I realize what's happening.

Im having a baby. It's actually happening.

"Colby hurry!" I yell.

"Okay I'm coming." He sprints back into the room. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, Andrea appearing from around the corner.

"Is everything okay?" She asks us as she comes into my room. She sees the pull of water and her mouth opens. "Sweetie, did your water break?" She asks me quickly. I shake my head yes as tears fall down my cheeks. She hugs me and kisses my head, "let's get you to the hospital."


After a seemingly long drive, we finally pull into the hospital. Colby opens up the passenger side and helps me out. I'm panicking, but my contractions aren't extremely close. Andrea runs inside the hospital doors to get help.

I can't believe this whole day I've been in labor, most likely, and somehow didn't notice.

A nurse rushes out to me with a wheelchair. "How you feeling, mom?" She asks me as I sit in the chair.

"It's not too bad yet." I laugh through my tears. Im not sure why I'm still crying. Anxiety? Fear? Happiness? All of them are running through me.

"Let's get you somewhere comfortable okay? We're going to have to check your cervix and see how far you've dilated. How long ago would you say your water broke?" She asks me as she rolls me into the building.

"Maybe 20, 30, minutes ago? Im not sure." I tell her as I rub my hand over the most tense areas.

"Okay, don't worry, everything's going to be okay."

We get onto the labor and delivery floor. As soon as the doors open another nurse is there with a chart.

"37 weeks and 3 days. She has a history of preeclampsia and considered to be high risk." The nurse tells her.

"We have a room set up for you. Do you need anything while you wait?" They pull me into a room and start to help me get up.

"No ma'am, I'm okay right now." I tell her. Finally, my crying has subsided.

"I'm going to need you to undress and put on this gown." They instruct me. I nod my head and grab the bag.

I glance at Colby and Andrea as they both impatiently watch from the door. I go into the bathroom and quickly change.

"Okay, so go ahead and get comfortable. We're going to hook you up to a Doppler to keep an eye on how the baby's doing. We will also have a monitor watching your heart beat. Just hang tight and someone will be in here soon to talk to you." She tells me.


Hours pass as I nap on and off, waiting for the pain to end. "Colby I can't do it anymore." I groan as I feel a contraction.

He sighs and kisses my hands. I know he can't help, and I know he feels horrible for that.

A nurse walks in once again to check my cervix. I groan as she checks, the pain shooting up. "You ready mom? 10 centimeters." She smiles. My eyes widen and I let out a sigh. "Oh thank god, I'm ready let's do this." I laugh.

Colby kisses my head as he squeezes my hand. The doctor walks in quickly, wearing scrubs and gloves.

Everything goes by in a blur as they set up the area. "Okay now when you feel your next contraction I'm going to need you to push." He explains.

I feel another contraction and start to push. My mind spins as I try to focus. Colby watches me with a disgusted face.

I stop when told and take deep breaths. "You got this, baby." Colby tells me. "She's almost here."

I begin to push again, this time I feel a relief of some of the pressure.

"Head and shoulders through. One more push, Katelyn." The doctor tells me.

"It hurts." I cry with deep breaths.

"Come on," Colby says, "keep going."

I push again. All pressure is relieved and I start to hear a cry. I look up and see Colby cutting the cord. He smiled as they clean her off. "Can I see her?" I cry. The nurse smiles and places her on my chest. She continues to cry, I shush her and pat her back.

"She's so beautiful." Colby says, his hand places on her head.

"So beautiful." I cry.

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