Chapter 6

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Jero awoke to the exchanged yells of Fernand and a unfamilar voice. He slowly opened his emerald eyes to see the older warlock gritting his teeth at the harpy who stole (Y/N) from him.

"I won't ask again why are you here?" The gray harpy sneered. It seemed Fernand had been testing the young harpy's patience.

"You goddamn monster give me back my sister!" Fernand yelled back as he struggled against the vines that held him captive. Jero moved slightly to feel that he too was bound in the strong vines that litered the canopy. This small movement seemed to make the young harpy turn to him, now ignoring the curseing wizard.

"Your partner is being difficult and has worn my patience, so you better tell me why you're here and why you attacked my father." The gray harpy hissed while his talons clutched the branch he was perched on threateningly. Jero knew he shouldn't test this harpy anymore than Fernand had or it wouldn't end well for either of the men, so he confessed.

"We're here for a girl named (Y/N). She was a friend of mine you stole. I don't know why my partner attacked your father, but I think it had something to do with the woman that was in the nest with him." Jero explained plainly making the warlock turn and glare at the young warrior. The harpy now seemed to reconize him from the day he took (Y/N) and that memory brought back the painful memory of him attacking her and her leaving. Jero could see the reconition and confusing regret in his golden orbs.

"(Y/N) is not here anymore. I left the nest and when I came back she was gone . I'm sorry but that 's all I know." The harpy sighed.

"How?! That can't be possible-!" Jero cried.

"That's all I know ." The harpy repeated firmly. Suddenly two other harpies descended on the thick branch the grey one was perched.

"Have you gotten any infomation out of them yet?" A red harpy asked .

"Yes. Take them back to their holdings."


(Y/N) torn into a cooked rabbit Nania gave her. The two had been fawning over her ever since the topic of eggs came up. Pelio was the more handsy partner and had been attempting to touch her in any and every way. Wether it be a simple touch on the shoulder or a gentle caress of the cheek, all the way to grabbing her hips and groping her. The ginger lamia was curently wrapped around her and playing with her hair.

"Such pretty hair." He sighed as he wrapped a strand around his clawed diget. (Y/N) simply grunted as she chewed on the tender meat, trying her best to ignore the yellow-scaled lamia who insisted on being around her.

"Pelio, let our darling eat in peace." Nania snapped at his partner. The white-scaled lamia slithered to them pulling the younger lamia off of the human woman.

Then there was Nania... Nania wasn't as touchy as Pelio, but (Y/N) could see his intentions. He seemed to be trying to gain her trust through his actions and keeping his partner in check. He tried to make himself out as the good guy, as her savior, but (Y/N) could see right through him. The dark-skinned serpent slithered towards her.

"How's your rabbit, little one?" He asked the woman with a gentle smile. She watched as he began to circle her in a fashion Pelio would often do when he was about to force her to cuddle, however he didn't enclose her in his coils, just trapped her in in a wall of them.

"It tastes fine." She spat out before turning away from him. She could hear him scoff from behind her back. She noticed Pelio's tail begin to coil in the walls of Nania's. The ginger was probably hanging on the white-haired mans shoulder staring at her with that predatory look he loved to give her.

"You know it's rude to turn your back on someone when they're talking to you ." She heard Pelio chuckle out. (Y/N) was then overcome with the sensation of her breath getting knocked out of her chest as bi-colored coils enclosed on her.

"Not to mention dangerous." Nania whispered into her ear. She could feel Nania's fangs grazing down the right side of her neck, while Pelio was working on her left side of her. She could feel who she thinks is Pelio groping her chest and another hand petting at her sides, slowing working down to her hips and thighs. Nania pulled away from her neck and attempted to kiss her, but (Y/N) turned her head away from him. However this just gave Pelio the oppertunity to kiss her instead. She could feel their parts poking at her, making her panic. She quickly pulls away from Pelio's lips to mutter out a 'no', but Nania was quick to pull her to his lips instead. She coninued to struggle as the two held her captive in their embraces, for a brief moment she able to pull away from Nania and lets out a desperate cry for help.

"Help!" She cries out, but she's only met with the sadistic chuckles of the lamias.

"You silly litte girl, no one can help you except us! Just be good and let us do what we want!" Nania shouts as he pushes up her ripped skirt. She lets out a yelp as Pelio digs his fangs into her neck. " Pelio's venom will make this feel better. I promise to be gentle." Nania hissed.

"No.. no.." (Y/N) closed her (E/C) eyes and wait for the pain to enter her, but she intead felt Nania get pulled away from her. She could hear him let out a shriek and hit the wall, and behind her she could feel Pelio tense up and let out a gasp. She opened her eyes but it was hard to focus now that Pelio's venom was kicking in.

"Why are you doing this to a defencless woman?" A fuzzy voice asked.

"Leave us be!" She could hear Pelio's voice echo out. (Y/N) could no longer feel Pelio's embrace around her she could see the blurred image of a yellow and white mass in the corner and the paniced voice of Pelio saying things she couldn't understand.

"You poor thing. Don't worry you're safe now. I will help you." The voice said dreamily. (Y/N) could feel what felt like vines wrap around her before blacking out.

A/N: I'm sorry I took so long to update this book. I've been busy with school projects and studying for finals, not to mention I've been uninspired, but I now have my inspiration for this story and will hopfully update soon. Thank you so much for your patience and support.


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