Chapter 7

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When (Y/N) finally woke up she was no longer in that miserable cave, but instead she was resting on what seemed to be a giant lily pad.

"I see you have awoke from your sleep. Tell me did you sleep well? I hope this was comfortable for you." A voice thats smooth and compassionate asks. (Y/N) turns her head to see a alraune!This one seem to be of the lotus verity and very healthy if the giant, viberant, pink petals that surrounded his pale green body were anything to go by. For once she had some hope of getting back home, since alraunes were known for their kind and understanding nature. Of course, she wasn't going to let her guard down. He was afterall still a monster and she's already had several bad expeirences with monsters.

"I slept fine. Did you rescue me from the lamias?" She questions the flower humanoid. The lotus-like man gave her a gentle smile.

"Yes, and you were lucky I found you. Lamia's can get agitated easily, and I'm sure they were about to do something horrible to you." He tells the human woman. (Y/N) looks around at her surroundings and notices shes literally drifting in a giant lily pad pond.

"Sir you have my thanks for saving me, but what is this place?" She asks the giant, flowery male.

"You can call me, Ayv, and this is my home in the wetlands." Ayv informed her. This made the woman panic. The wetlands were many days away from her home. Just how far had her multiple kiddnappings took her from her village? Were there people looking for her? Would she ever get to eat her father's soup, or goof around with Jero ever again?

"Ayv, I must go home!" She cried frantically to the alraune, who just gave her a sad look.

"I don't know if I can take you home, but go ahead and tell me where you're from. I'll try my best to help you." He comforted her. She gave him a hopeful look in return.

"I live several days west from here! In the Meadows of Thrux!" She informed. Ayv looked to be thinking, trying to recall of where she could possibly live, saddly he just gave her a deterred look.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with that place. Perhaps you can stay here until-"

"I can't! I need to go home as quick as possible!" She cried. Ayv's deep green eyes bore into her's before he let out a defeated sigh.

"Very well, but I insist you rest for at least one more day. The venom the lamias injected into you weakened you greatly. I'll prepare a pack of supplies for you to take with you on your journey and will accompany you until we exit the wetlands. After you'll have to go alone." Ayv sighed, "Now, I'll go get you some clean water and food. Stay here."

"Thank you, Ayv. You have no idea how much this means to me." (Y/n) thanked the pink petaled male. He gave her a friendly smile before leaving to get her food and water. For once, everything was going right for (Y/N) (L/N).

In the harpies canopy Jero and Fernand were still bound and imprisoned by the harpies. The men who had been gaurding them had fell asleep long ago , as well as Fernand. The only one awake was Jero who was thinking about his dear friend, (Y/N). Praying to the gods that she was safe and no monsters had done anything horrible to her.

"Human are you awake?" A rough voice whispered. He looked up to see the very harpy who caused all this.

"What do you want, fiend." He mummbled back.

"I want to help you escape." The gray harpy snapped back , shocking the human man. Why would he help him after the attempted murder of his father?

"I don't believe you. What's in it for you?" Jero whispered, his full attention now on the harpy. The harpy just let out a huff.

"If I release you, then you'll let me help with your quest to find (Y/N). I need to apologize to her." He hissed quietly. "If you except it then I'll break you out right now and we can go."

Jero thought for a moment. If he excepted then he'd be a step closer to hopefully getting (Y/N) back, but he'd have to spend time with her kidnapper. On the other hand him and Fernand will probably end up dying here if he refuses. The answer is obvious.

"Fine. I except your offer now get me and Fernand out of here." Jero scowled.

"Not your friend, just you. That man tried to kill my father and I can only carry one person down at a time. It'd be a risk to come back for him." The harpy quipped. Jero 's scowl worsened. He didn't like the thought of leaving Fernand behind, even if the man was a piece of work. But he had more important people to worry about .

"Fine. Hurry up and lets go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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