A Tough Choice For Duryodhan

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"What do you think Vasudev?...What will be their reaction...?" 

The lord shrugged and smiled with mischief. 

"Vasudev, whatever I am doing...is it dharm? Have I also cheated and deceived everyone?" Karn asked doubtingly

"No Samrat Karn...you were the one who conquered the whole Aryavrat with your competence...For Hastinapur , you are the rightful owner of the throne, according to the shastras, you are a legal heir to the throne....and you gave Pandavas a part of your territory, Indraprasth. Now you are going to organize a competition among the opposition Kingdoms for Draupadi's sake...and as far as Duryodhan is concerned, it is indeed the duty of a parent to scold or restrict the child from doing certain things...similarly, you are teaching your friend a lesson...nothing is wrong in it...and you have not snatched anything by deceit...you have won back what you gave him...Danveer Karn..." Krishna cried placing his hands on Karna's shoulder

The Pandavas from Indraprasth, Drupad along with Shikhandi and Drishtadyumn reached Hastinapur . 

"Putr Karn..." Gandhari cried with a begging tone in her voice

Karn looked at Gandhari with tearful eyes

"Yes, RajMatha..." Karna touched her feet

"I'm no more RajMatha..." Gandhari cried 

"You are my mother, and I am the Samrat...so aren't you the RajMatha?" Karna asked

Gandhari smiled

"I wish...my sons were like this too...can't you help them get out of this?" Gandhari asked

"Yes I will...but only if they are willing to..." Karna lowered down his eyes


RajMatha Kunti and the Pandavas along with Draupadi reached Hastinapur. The Kauravas were extremely angry at them and the same hatred was shown by the Pandavas.

Karna sat next to Duryodhan.

"You are a cheat!...You took that Vasudev's side!" Duryodhan shouted

"Calm down...My friend....I did not take Vasudev's side...Vasudev took my side and guided me..." Karn replied as he waited for Mata Kunti

He bent down her ears and asked

"Mata? Are you ready for the announcement?" Karna asked 

Kunti nodded.


The whole sabha was shocked to learn the Karn was the eldest son of Kunti. Kunti had kept this a secret all these years. Draupadi's sixth husband was Angraj Karn, they learnt. 

"Now you all decide..you apologize..or fight...I promise...if one warrior from your side manages to kill one from our side, Anrgraj will definitely give up the throne..." Krishna cried

This seemed like a good deal to King Dridhrashtr. He would send Mahamahim Bhishm to kill one of the Pandavas, and get the whole Aryavrat back from Karn. Vidur did not find it as a good idea, but Dridhrashtr was excited.

"We're ready!" Dridhrashtr exclaimed

"Vasudev will decide who will be fighting with whom...I give him all the rights..." Karna cried, sitting next to Duryodhan

"I will first wish to murder you..." Duryodhan cried glaring at Karna who chuckled

"I am still your friend....Duryodhan and what you say is right....but you tried to disrobe MY wife!" Karna said

"You should've told me before.." Duryodhan passed a death glare at Karna

"You know how much I respect Vrushali babhi.."

"I know friend...but I knew it only later..." Karna cried

"What? that she's your wife?" Duryodhan asked

"I could not tell you without her permission..." Karna said

"What were your stupid brothers doing, then?....give me an answer for only that...." Duryodhan muttered under his breath

"They got their punishment...the vanvas and agyatvas..." Karna cried and continued

"Duryodhan...have you ever treated me as your friend?" Karna asked

"Of course! Yes! What kind of a question is that?" Duryodhan asked irately

"But this is a tough choice for you : Hatred towards the Pandavas and Friendship towards me...what do you value more? Please choose carefully..." Karna cried 

Duryodhan frowned.

It was a tough choice indeed. Mamashri wished to keep Karna in his side because he was skilled, but Duryodhan found him in a similar situation to his. Duryodhan saw a reflection of himself in Karna. Karna was treated bad. Similarly Duryodhan was treated bad too. Only Mamashree did not show any partiality towards the Pandavas. In fact, they tried to kill him as soon as he was born,just because the horoscopes said that he would be evil. What was his fault, then? 

No child is born evil in this world. It all depends on how everyone including the society brings him up. 

Mahamahim did never love the Kauravas but loved the Pandavas more. Why? Just because they were the sons of Devas? Karna, despite being the son of the mighty lord Suryadev, was forced to live the life of a sut putr because of his mother and society. Duryodhan himself, despite being the prince, had to face partiality which made him more egoistic and arrogant as a teenager. 

It was time for him to choose between his friendship and hatred. A tough choice indeed.

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