Karna's Mind Poisoned?

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"I did hate Arjun once. But I have always respected him for his skills. For me, it is the knowledge that matters, not enmity. After Princess Draupadi's Swayamvar, my respect for him increased, dear friend," Karna said shocking Duryodhan and Shakuni

"Your Dharma comes in between your friendship, Angraaj," Shakuni said irately.

"It never came in between, Gandhar Raj. My Dharma has always been there," Karna replied and continued

"Well, I began hating the Pandavas for calling me a sutaputra and insulting me in front of the whole Praja. After introspection, I realized that I was indeed a sutaputra and my birth should not be a reason for my insult. After the Varnavrat incident, I realized that I am not a killer, but a Yodha. I would never want my friend Duryodhan, be called a cowered for killing The Pandavas by conspiracy. He has all the skills of a Yodha, then why should he conspire against them?" Karna asked Shakuni

Duryodhan stood silent for a while. Some of Karna's words were ringing continuously in his mind.

I would never want my friend Duryodhan, be called a cowered for killing The Pandavas by conspiracy. He has all the skills of a Yodha

Shakuni shook his head in dismay. Angraaj Karn turned out to be a Dharmvaan who would never think of doing Adharm. Had he been from a royal family and had he not been insulted by the whole society, he would never be on Duryodhan's side. Shakuni was determined to change Karna's mind and Dharma.

"Angraaj, the whole society was against you, but your parents, they supported you. My child Duryodhan was never supported by his own people. Guru Dhron did not support him, Pitahmahah Bhishm did not encourage him to become the king, not even his father supported him," Shakuni said trying to read Angraaj's face which had grown pale and expressionless. As nostalgia took over Angraaj, an envelope of silence covered everyone for a few moments.

"Didn't Maharani Gandhari support him?" Karna asked looking straight into Shakuni's eyes

Shakuni had not thought of that. Angraaj was indeed a great orator and he questioned in such a way that no one can counter him.

"The King does not support the Queen, who is my little sister," Shakuni said with crocodile tears in his eyes. Angraaj had to come to his line.

"My child saved your respect because he knows how it feels to be disrespected," Shakuni concluded and again looked at Karn's face which showed clear signs of confusion. His plan was working.

Karna suddenly began thinking about Krishna's words

"Fight for justice Angraaj, but do not support what is wrong," he had said at the swayamvar.

Krishna had a certain divinity in him, that gained Karna's attention. That magic man changed his perspective of looking at things and in one sentence, he told his whole fate, Karna thought.

As Duryodhan excited the room after agreeing with Shakuni, Karna turned to him.

"I know what is right and what is wrong, Mamashree," Karna continued,

" I have promised to be on Duryodhan's side," Karna smiled at Shakuni

"My work is over..." Shakuni thought as he limped out of the chamber.

"But my work is not over... Rajkumar Duryodhan's mind has been poisoned by Mamashree Shakuni. Now I being a friend, will try my best to turn the poison into nectar..." Karna thought and walked towards his mother-like Queen Gandhari's chamber.

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