Chapter 7

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Finn called me every day this week. Sometimes we would talk for twenty minutes, others we would talk for two hours. It was strange how easy our conversations would flow. I’ve never had a connection like that with another person. And God he’s funny. I feel like I have an ab workout every time I talk to him. Which is good because I do not do crunches. Not happening.

It was finally Saturday and I woke to my phone blaring on the bedside table. Finn’s name displayed on the front and I nearly fell out of bed trying to get to it before the call went to voicemail.

“Hello?” I said and winced at my breathless voice.

“Did I interrupt something?” Finn said. There was a tint of darkness to his voice. Jealousy maybe?

“No, sorry I just had to rush to get to the phone. What’s up?”

“I wanted to discuss our date tonight.” His voice sounds like a little kid the night before Christmas.

“Ok, well what did you have in mind?”

“It’s a surprise, but I needed to tell you what to bring.” My eyebrows furrow and I start to pace my room, something I do when I start thinking.

“I have to bring something on a date? Sounds like a lot of work.” He chuckles and the sound sends tingles down my spine.

“Not like that. You can dress casually, but you need to bring a swimsuit.”

“A what?” I say in disbelief.

“A swimsuit.”

“Yeah, Finn I heard you the first time.”

“Well, why’d you say ‘what’ then?”

“Because that’s a weird thing to bring on a date.”

“Trust me, you’re gonna love it. I’ll pick you up at five. Bye sweetheart!” He hung up quickly, probably trying to cut off my attempt to ask more questions.

Well, one good thing about wearing my swimsuit on our date, that probably means he’ll be in one too.

Sign me up.

He picked me up and started driving towards the outskirts of town.

“Where are we going?” I was starting to get nervous. I think he could sense it by the way he kept sneaking looks at me.

“To the aquarium.” I smiled brightly. I had told him in one of our phone conversations that I love the ocean and wish I could visit one more often.

“So what’s with the swimsuit?” He pulled into the parking lot and parked the car before turning his body towards me and flashing me his cocky grin.

“We’re gonna swim with the fishes.” My eyes widened in surprise before I squealed from excitement. I jumped out of the car and ran around to his side. He had barely climbed out before I launched myself at him, pulling him into a tight hug. He barely managed to catch me before I hit the ground.

“You’re an aggressive hugger you know that?” He chuckled while rubbing my back.

“Or maybe you’re just too good at surprises.” I smiled up at him.

“Nah, no such thing. So you’re excited I’m guessing?”

“Oh my God yes! Let’s go!” I grabbed his hand as we walked into the aquarium and laced our fingers together. We had been walking for a couple of minutes before I realized I had even done it. I never let anyone touch me, so the way this contact was so easy for me shocked me.

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