Chapter 20

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He says it so quietly, I almost don’t hear it. I pull back to look at him, and he lifts his gaze to me. There is uncertainty and fear, but a lot of hope and all-consuming love.

“What?” I ask quietly, wanting to make sure I heard him right before I make a complete fool out of myself.

“I am so in love with you, sweetheart. I love you so much that there’s not enough room for it all in my chest and it aches a little bit sometimes.”

“Oh, Finn.” I stare at him, this impossibly beautiful man that has been nothing but sweet, patient and understanding with me.

“I love you too. I love your kindness, your humor, your joy. I especially love your dick.” He chuckles and cups my cheeks. “I love every single inch of you.” He pulls me down to kiss him. A tender, sweet kiss so unlike when it felt like he was trying to eat my soul earlier.

“I will never make you regret loving me.” He says sweetly, pecking my lips one last time. “But I do need to get this soap out of my hair because it’s stinging the fuck out of my eyes.” He laughs as I scurry off of him so he can rinse out his hair. When he’s done, he wraps me back in his arms, resting his head on my shoulder and squeezing me tight.

“Say it again.” He implores.

“I love you, you silly wolf.” I say with a bright smile and he laughs while washing my body. I don’t let him anywhere near my hair. It’s sweet he wants to help, but last time I was a mess of tangles and I don’t have time for that today.

After we have finished showering and dressed, he loads me up into his truck and buckles my seatbelt for me. I still think it’s cute how he does that. We’re driving down a stretch of highway when Finn turns on some god-awful music.

“Uh-uh. No. I’m not listening to that. It’s an assault on my ears.” I say seriously and flip it to a different station.

“Calli. You don’t touch a man’s radio.” Finn says as he flips it back.

“What’s your middle name?” I ask. He looks at me confused.


“Finn Jacob Callahan. If you change that radio station one more time, I won’t kiss you for the rest of the day.” Finn gasps incredulously and swerves the truck a little.

“You wouldn’t dare.” He says narrowing his eyes at me. I flip the station back and meet his gaze with my own firm stare.

“Try me, punk.” He rolls his eyes and looks back at the road.

“Fine. You win.” After a few minutes of silence, he speaks again.

“What’s yours?” He asks.

“My what?”

“Middle name.” I smile at him and reach over to hold his hand.

“Marie.” I say.

“Calli Marie. I bet your mom had fun yelling that at you when you were in trouble.” He smirks at me. I snort and smile back.

"She still does."

We pull up a dirt road shrouded by trees and up a steep hill with two wolves standing at the top. Finn slows down the truck and rolls down the window. Both wolves come to his side and bend their necks before he begins driving again.

"What was that?" I ask.

"I spoke to them in mind link to tell them I was coming. The neck thing was them showing submission." I shake my head in confusion.

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