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[August 29, 2017. 10:30 pm]
[Taehyung's phone]

Joonie 🤓

Joonie 🤓:

Hey Tae? You there?

Tae 😵👽:

Yeah! Wassup?!

Joonie 🤓:

I know it's a bit late to talk Abt this but do you wanna go for a trip? 🤔

Tae 😵👽:

A trip? Lol that's so random 😆 I'm down. Details please.

Joonie 🤓:

Damn you agree fast OoO

Tae 😵👽:


Joonie 🤓:

Hobi showed me this rad hilltop hotel. It's at the countryside. I'm thinking we'd go on a vacation for a week or two 🏔️🚵🙆

Tae 😵👽:

Sounds good to me! The job's suckin the life outta me. I could really use a break 😗 LET'S GOOOOO!!

Joonie 🤓:

Kk! I'll tell you Abt the trip details tmrw. N8

Tae 😵👽:



Hotel Aidoneus (Vkook)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon