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[August 31, 2017. 7:22 am]
[Taehyung's phone]

Hobo 🌞

Taedrunk 😰:

Oi! Where you guys at?? Y'all were supposed to pick me up ten mins ago 😡😡

Hobo 🌞:

Ayooo sorry Abt tht Taetae. Joon's been a pain in the ass since I came to pick him up. The dipshit keeps forgetting stuff 🙄

Taedrunk 😰:

Figures. He's a mess *sigh*

Hobo 🌞:

He should prolly get his driver's license now like srsly. And did you just sigh in text?!

Taedrunk 😰:

And so what if I did hoe?! Whatchu gonna do about it hmm?

Hobo 🌞:

Alr8 Karen, CALM! we're on our way. Breath. Morning rays are gettin' to ya.

Taedrunk 😰:

Tell me about it 🙄 just get here hobs!

Hobo 🌞:

Omw bitch omw.

[8:37 am]

"Hobi, how'd you even find this place?" Taehyung said flipping through the pages of the brochure. "I don't know. It was in my bag when I reached home from the dance studio" Hoseok shrugged, eyes still on the road.

"Strange" the blond muttered to himself. "How long till we get there?" Namjoon asked from the back.

"About three hours or so" the brunette informed whilst driving. The other two hummed and decided it was ample time to fall asleep for.

Soon all Hoseok heard was the radio and snores.


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