Chapter 13

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Willow's POV

I can't tell if the pounding that is waking me up is my door or my head. I throw the covers off, stumble over to the door and open it without even opening my eyes. The sunlight that is assaulting me through my eyelids is enough to make me cringe.

"Well don't you look like death warmed over?" Lia's chipper voice is like ice picks in my temples.

"Shhhh, too much talkie without coffee." I say with a finger to my lips as I stumble back to my bed.

"Well it's a good thing I brought you coffee, ibuprofen and electrolytes. We gotta get rid of your hangover so that we can enjoy a day of shopping." She says while popping the top off the pill bottle and giving me a couple while handing me the sports drink. I guzzle the whole bottle then take a sip of my coffee.

"You are an angel." I sigh as I cover my head back up with the pillow that still smelled faintly of Dominic, I inhaled as deep as I could.

"And you are not going back to sleep on my day off just because you over did it last night. Now get up and get in the shower you smell like a stale bar fly." she says while ripping the covers off of me and stealing my Dom pillow.

"I am a stale bar fly and give me back my boyfriend pillow!" I croak while grabbing for the pillow that she is holding just out of my reach.

"Your what?" she laughs while moving towards the bathroom still holding it over her head while I jump for it.

"My boyfriend pillow! It's mine now give it back!" Now I am laughing because I recognize how silly this is but for some reason I can't stop myself from trying to grab it.

"What's going on in here?" Dom asked from the doorway where I had forgotten to shut the door after Lia came in.

"She won't give me back my pillow." I whine while pointing at Lia.

Lia is in hysterics over my antics. "No, it's not just any pillow it's your 'boyfriend pillow'" she teases in a sing-song voice.

"Your boyfriend pillow huh?" Dom asked as he made his way over to me and picks me up off of the floor where I had fallen after another failed attempt to jump and grab the pillow from Lia.

"Yeah, because it smells like you." I say while snuggling into his chest.

"Dom tell her she stinks and needs to take a shower so that we can get going." Lia states while throwing the pillow on the bed. I don't care about it anymore now that I have the real deal holding me in his arms.

"I don't think she stinks" Dom replied as he bent down to my neck.

"UGH! Seriously, I don't want to spend my day off watching you guys get freaky. Dom put Willow down. Willow get your ass in the shower before I pick you up and drop you in there myself." Lia is trying to be playful but I can tell that her patiences is running out quickly.

"Okay, fine." I huff while stepping away from Dom, grabbing a set of clothes, and heading into the bathroom.

I have to admit that I did feel a lot better by the time I was done with my shower and getting ready to go. I don't know if it was because the meds had kicked in, if it was the feeling of being clean, or if it was because I got to see Dom this morning but what ever the reason I felt like I was ready to conquer the world, or at least the mall.

I stepped out of the bathroom to find only Lia in my room. I was a little disappointed that Dom was gone but I was still excited to have a girls' day.

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