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"I just need that one person who can stand by me no matter what"


I'm falling hard for you,

But I guess you never realized,

Because I wasn't the one,

And that's ok,

But I guess I wish I could tell you what I wanted to tell you,

We could take it slower,

We could go back to the way things were

Before everything got all complicated,

I guess you're toxic for me but I loved every minute of it,

I craved your attention, love and touch,

Are you okay?

You're acting like we never changed,

Because you were the one who needed space,

You make me feel so damn alone,

Sometimes I wish I could make you love me,

But I guess that's not how life works,

Which is sad because I'm loosing my mind,

Wondering if you're ok all the time,

I'm sorry if I've ever annoyed you,

I'm sorry you never loved me,

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now