Chapter One: Found

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A/N: If you skipped the Introduction, I would go back and read that. It's very important to the characters, so reading it will leave you confused on some of these hooligans.

You ran as fast as you could through the woods. You squeezed through shrubs, bushes, and trees, trying to avoid doom. What was doom? Oh, you know, just a friend who messed around with a Ouija Board and happened upon a demon named Captain Pazuzu. So, your friend, F/N (Friends' name) was now possessed by a homicidal demon. 

As you heard a blood-curdling scream coming from F/N, you turned back to look. Sure, they were trying to kill you, but that didn't mean you didn't care about them. F/N was now on the floor, crawling like a spider at top speed towards you. Unfortunately, you had looked back for a second too long and ran straight into a tree. As you heard a crack (unsure if it was from the tree or one of your bones), you screamed. There was an inordinate amount of pain racing through your body as the tree fell backwards towards a fissure with you still clinging onto it. 

As you closed your eyes, ready to embrace the warmth of death, the tree suddenly stopped falling. You opened your eyes and looked to see the cause of the pause and immediately began to scream. There was your friend, still being controlled by Captain Pazuzu, holding the tree from falling. Suddenly, they began to pull the tree back towards the ground and you screamed again, inching your way to the apex of the tree. 


"Ugh! Who is that?" Freddy groaned, smashing his face between two pillows in an attempt to drown out the distant screams. 

"Like I know! Give me those!" Charles snapped, leaning forwards and yanking the pillows from Freddy's hands, tearing both of them in the process. 

"Now look what you did!" He cried. "I'm so sick of your stupid gloves ruining everything!" 

"What I did? You're the one who ripped the pillows out of my hands!" Freddy returned. 

"Well, you're the one who was blades on his hands!" Charles shot back. 

The two went on arguing for a while before Michael stomped down the stairs. Michael had been in his room, reading. However, he was unable to focus with the yelling of his two comrades downstairs. 

Michael stood menacingly at the base of the stairwell, waiting for the two to notice him. After two minutes of your distant wailing, Charles' yelling, and Freddy's screaming, Michael moved to between the two of them and shoved the aggravated duo.

Michael grunted and pulled the pad and pencil out of his pocket. He scribbled down a quick message.

"Can you two shut up? I can't focus on my book with all your screaming."

"Butt out, Myers!" Charles screamed. 

"Yeah, why don't you go fangirl over your sister?" Freddy riposted.

Angrily, Michael wrote down one more thing before tearing the paper out of the paper and shoving it at Charles. 

"I'm going out."

Freddy and Charles continued to scream at each other while Michael huffed and stomped out the front door. He stood on the porch for a few seconds, just breathing in the cool air in an attempt to calm down before he heard your screams again; this time much closer. Maybe about a tenth of a mile away. 

In an attempt to get Freddy and Charles to shut up, Michael went to go find the source of the screams. He didn't know what he would do with you. He could put you out of your misery, or he could rescue you and bring you back to the house just to annoy Freddy and Charles. 

After about ten minutes, Michael found the source of the screaming.


You had inched your way to the apex of what had to be one of the world's most rickety trees. F/N was about three inches away from reaching distance and you were barely hanging onto the end of the tree. You screamed and screamed again, hoping that someone would hear you. You didn't care who, whether it was Tre Cool or the police, just that somebody would save you. 

Your prayers went unanswered, as within a few seconds, F/N was reaching out to grab your hand. Not wanting to see what would happen if they grabbed you, you went to your last resort. 

You let go of the tree. The tree was barely hanging over the edge of the fissure, but over enough to the point where you could drop and F/N couldn't reach you. So, you fell.


Michael watched as you dropped from the tree and immediately decided on the plan. He would bring you back to annoy Freddy and Charles with. You would be something of a... doll. Something to mess around with, maybe freak a couple people out with. 

Michael ran out from behind his tree and shoved F/N out of the way, who immediately tumbled into the fissure. He grabbed your hand pulled you up with ease. You began to scream and thrash around, thinking that the figure pulling you up was F/N, as you didn't see her get pushed into the fissure. 

A/N: I just realized I never defined what a fissure is. Here is the definition: a long, narrow opening or line of breakage made by cracking or splitting, especially in rock or earth (thesaurus)

Once you were on sturdy land again, you began to scream even louder. Michael, being unable to talk, slammed his hand over your mouth and wrestled you back to the ground. 

Once you were firmly held to the ground, you looked at who you thought was F/N. Once you saw who it was, you stopped screaming. Not because you weren't afraid-- no, you were mortified-- but because you were confused. Who was this dude?

"Who are you?" You asked, your voice muffled by Michael's calloused hand. 

He slowly removed his hand and took his pad and pencil from his pocket. 

"My name is Michael. You have to come with me." 

"Why should I follow you? Sure, you saved me, but you kind of scare me!" You retorted.

Michael grunted and looked around. Laying about a foot away was a rock. He picked it up and raised it over his head before smacking it on your head, knocking you out. 

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