Chapter 10: Not My Mother

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A/N: Guess who can't eat ramen the right way and spilled it on their thigh? And guess who's got second degree burns on their thigh? Yep, me! Ramen out here trying to kill me. Two can play that game, Ramen, I'll eat you!

Norman seemed off today. When you walked downstairs in the morning, he was already up with a cup of coffee. You had said 'Good morning' to him and he just glared at you as if he was contemplating to throw you in the blender. Maybe he's not a morning person.

If Norman wasn't a morning person, then he wasn't an afternoon person, either. At about twelve, you decided to make lunch. Norman stomped into the kitchen like an angry dinosaur and took the sandwich you had made.

You were quite upset about that. The man had just stolen your F/S (Favorite sandwich) and didn't even offer to replace it! The audacity levels were reaching Mount Everest height. Usually, Norman was one of the sweetest things on the face of the planet. Now, he was acting like a child that was denied ice cream. It was weird.

But what he did during dinner ticked you off the most. Norman had already sat down when you walked into the dining room. He pulled out the chair next to him, offering you a seat. You accepted and went to sit down. However, Norman pulled it from underneath you and you fell. You hit your head on the floor (which hurt like a migraine) and you snapped. You stood up and grabbed the glass of wine Norman had in front of him and tossed it at him, staining his white sweater. You both had pure rage in your eyes.

After that, you stormed upstairs. Norman was being rude, and you weren't having any of it. You went to your shared room and slammed the door closed, alerting everyone downstairs that you were not to be disturbed.

You laid down on your bed and stared at the wall, thinking. Had you done something to annoy Norman? Had you done something to upset him? Was he just messing with you? What did you do to be treated like this? Did he want something but not know how to communicate it? Did he like you and not know how to deal with it? Did he need to talk to you but not know how to get your attention?

You must have laid there for thirty minutes before the door opened. You didn't move, or react, for that matter. You just let whoever come in do their thing. Once you heard the door close and still heard footsteps in the room, you rolled your eyes. You were not open to chat right now.

"Well?" You heard Billy ask.

"'Well' what?" You snapped.

"Well, why did you storm away? We had Y/F/F (Your favorite food) and made plans to watch Y/F/M (Your favorite movie) after dinner," He explained, sitting on the end of your bed.

"Go ask Norman," You grumbled, turning your face into your pillow.

Billy sighed before leaving, presumably to go talk to Norman. You were spooked a bit, though, when after Billy left, someone poked your shoulder.

"What?" You cried out, more annoyed that someone had the nerve to bother you again.

You saw a piece of paper being placed in front of you. But, it wasn't Michael's handwriting.

"Are you okay?"

The writing was messy, but eligible.

"Not particularly," You replied, turning over to see who it was.

To your surprise, Jason was standing in front of you. Jason always seemed incredibly introverted and shy, so the fact that he was willing to come in and check on you was more than shocking.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

For the next fifteen minutes, you told Jason about everything Norman had done. He sat on the floor, listening intently. Every now and then, he would put his hand up, write down a question, and you would briefly answer before going back to your recounting.

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